How to Make Avocado Toast

How to Make Avocado Toast
Avocado toast is pretty delicious.(Vladislav Noseek/Shutterstock)
Oh, avocado toast. A simple dish in essence, this few-ingredient wonder has been the butt of hipster jokes for nearly a decade now and has even been blamed for millennials’ inability to purchase homes. No matter how much stereotyping and hate seems to come for this dish, there’s one thing we kind of can’t deny: Avocado toast is pretty darn delicious.

Memes and Instagram hashtags aside, avocado toast is actually a really simple recipe. In its essence, it all comes down to four things: avocado, toast, some seasoning and, for the ultimate avocado toast, an egg. The end result is a stunningly simple, savory dish that’s creamy, crunchy, salty, citrusy and quite filling. And if you’re worried about that mortgage, no, you don’t have to go to the best brunch spot in your state. It’s really, truly easy to make at home.

Head to your grocery store and pick out some ripe avocados. A ripe avocado will yield to gentle pressure and feel soft but it won’t be too soft. And while you’re there, pick up a freshly-baked loaf of your favorite crusty bread, be it sourdough, whole grain or semolina bread.

From there, it’s time to assemble. The basics of avocado toast just require you to slice your avocado thinly (and if you mess up, just mash it), put it on top of toasted bread, add a few squirts of lemon juice, season with flaky sea salt, fresh pepper and red chili flakes, and enjoy. Of course, the best avocado toasts are then topped with a little something-something. A good go-to is an egg with a nice, runny yolk, be it poached or over-easy.

You can also get creative. Cherry tomatoes are a classic (be they raw or blistered), everything bagel seasoning seems made for avocado toast and soft cheeses like feta or goat cheese are also quite satisfying. You can also take your avocado toast to luxe territory by topping it with poached lobster, bacon, smoked salmon, prosciutto or whatever else you feel like would be remarkably delicious. The avocado toast is your palate, paint on it as you see fit and then serve it alongside more of our all-time favorite brunch recipes.

Avocado Toast


  • 4 pieces good-quality bread
  • 2 ripe avocadoes
  • Juice from 1/2 a lemon
  • 4 eggs
  • Flaky sea salt and freshly-ground pepper, to taste
  • 1 pinch of red pepper flakes


Step 1: Toast 4 pieces of bread until your desired level of doneness. For the best results, use a delicious crusty bread, like sourdough or a whole grain loaf.

Step 2: Working carefully, cut 2 avocados in half and remove pit. Peel skin off avocadoes and cut into thin slices.

Step 3: Arrange your avocado slices on 4 pieces of toasted bread in an even layer.

Step 4: Squeeze the juice from 1/2 a lemon evenly on the avocado toasts. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 5: Cook 4 eggs in your desired method. We love a poached egg with a runny yolk, but fried eggs, scrambled eggs and even hard-boiled eggs can make a great avocado toast topping.

Step 6: Add 1 egg on top of each avocado toast pice.

Step 7: Add red peper flakes. Serve and enjoy!

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