How Not to Get Rid of Wasps (And 7 Ways to Do It Safely)

How Not to Get Rid of Wasps (And 7 Ways to Do It Safely)
wasp nest on window sill. (Tanya Bissaillon photos)

Have you run into the viral trend making a big splash on TikTok that involves getting rid of wasps at home using gasoline? Our friends over at ServiceMaster Restore confirm that is extremely unsafe—and probably really stupid!

When asked for further explanation, Pete Duncanson, senior director of training and development, responded:

“We strongly discourage this particular practice of getting rid of wasps near and around your home as it is extremely unsafe. It’s crucial to be aware that gas fumes from any source can pose a very serious fire hazard.

“While the hack may seem easy, there are several simple and safe methods to remove wasps, many of which do not involve the use of pesticides or other dangerous, flammable chemicals not meant for the home.”

Even though wasps are one of nature’s pest controls, it can be frustrating when they find a way inside your home or garage or persistently bother you outdoors. If you don’t like using a swatter and want to keep wasps away from your yard, you'll be glad to know that there are simple methods you can try. In fact, you may already have some of the items needed in your home or garage.

Here are seven ways to eliminate wasps and prevent them from coming near your home:

Trap the wasps. You can purchase wasp traps or make your own ( Commercial traps usually contain ingredients that lure wasps into the trap, where they eventually die. The RESCUE TrapStik is a popular model, found at discount department stores and online.

Fake wasp nests. To discourage wasps from building a nest in your yard, you can hang a fake nest. It’s true! Wasps are less likely to establish a nest if they believe that another colony has already occupied the area. You can easily find a variety of fake nests available for purchase online.

Soapy water. A mixture of dish soap and water can be an effective and natural way to eliminate wasp nests. Mix a few tablespoons of dish soap with water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture directly onto the nest. The soap suffocates the wasps and causes the nest to break down.

Vacuum cleaner. For smaller nests, you can use a powerful vacuum cleaner with a long attachment to suck up the wasps. Ensure that the vacuum has a removable bag, or use a bagless vacuum to prevent the wasps from escaping. Afterward, seal the bag or dispose of the contents carefully.

Essential oils. Peppermint, lemongrass, and citronella are scents that wasps strongly dislike. If you happen to have any of these essential oils at home, you can mix them with water in a spray bottle and apply the solution to areas where wasps tend to gather. You will need to reapply the oil once it dissipates or if it rains.

Good ol' bug spray. Wasp pesticides are available at stores such as Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowe’s. Follow the label instructions, making sure to spray the nest during the evening or early morning when the wasps are less active. Wear protective clothing before engaging in wasp nest removal to reduce the chance of being stung, and try to cover most of your skin.

Professional help. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable handling the wasp nest yourself, it’s best to contact a professional pest control service. They have the necessary expertise and equipment to remove the nest safely.

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