Falun Dafa Association Welcomes VIPs to Los Angeles Show

a representative of the Falun Dafa Association spoke to VIPs at a reception following the DPA show in Los Angeles, on Jan. 2, 2009.
Falun Dafa Association Welcomes VIPs to Los Angeles Show

PASADENA, Calif.—Youfu Li a representative of the U.S. West Falun Dafa Association spoke to VIPs at a reception following the Divine Performing Arts show in Los Angeles, on Jan. 2, 2009.

“Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen:

On behalf of the U.S. West Falun Dafa Association, I thank you for coming to the Divine Performing Arts show and to our reception.

Many of us were deeply touched by the DPA show. It moved our hearts and brought tears to our eyes. I have studied and taught Chinese traditional culture for many years; yet, in all those years, I can assure you, no show has moved me the way the DPA show has. It is different from other shows.

Culture carries value. As an integral part of culture, art influences people’s perception of beauty, love, magnificence, and hope. By reviving the genuine artistic tradition of China’s performing arts, DPA’s presentation of China’s heritage of divine-given traditional values is not only a feast for the eyes, but [also] an uplifting and inspiring experience. In doing so, DPA aims to supply what has been missing in our lives and in our hearts.

Since its debut in 2007, DPA has toured all five continents. This year, DPA will tour over eighty cities around the world, with an estimated 800,000 audience members. Everywhere DPA has been, artists and opinion leaders have praised highly how DPA’s show has depicted traditional values and shown the path of moral revival.

Over two hundred years ago, in worrying about the future, Thomas Jefferson said, “Will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom?  Material abundance without character is the path of destruction.” Jefferson’s words have never rung louder than in today’s world of material abundance and moral decline.

From how audiences everywhere have responded to DPA’s uplifting message, I see how today’s people are still seeking moral inspiration.

As DPA continues its tour and benefits more and more people, I look forward to various ways that we may work together to publicize and support DPA’s performances, to enrich and deepen our understanding of life’s purpose, and to contribute to the future of humanity.

Again, thank you for coming. Everyone, please have a good evening and a future inspired by the same wonder you saw tonight.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts.
For more information please see DivinePerformingArts.org


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