Everything You Should Know About Yorkies

Everything You Should Know About Yorkies
(Steve Bruckmann/Shutterstock)
Yorkies are a popular breed of dog and for good reason. They’re lovable, playful, and make great companions. Yorkies are also known for their high energy levels and love of exercise. If you’re considering adding a Yorkie to your family, there are some things you should know first. In this article, we will discuss the temperament, health concerns, and care requirements of Yorkies.

1) Health Concerns

Unlike many other breeds, Yorkies are generally healthy. However, some health problems to be aware of include:
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose): This is common in toy breeds like Yorkies. It occurs when a dog does not have enough glucose in its bloodstream for the body’s energy needs. A sudden drop in blood sugar can cause seizures or death if it’s severe enough. Signs of this condition include weakness, lethargy, seizures, and coma. If you think your dog has this condition, take him to the veterinarian immediately.
  • Eye Problems: Yorkies are more likely than other breeds to develop genetic eye problems like cataracts or corneal dystrophy (cloudiness of the eye). Hereditary polyneuropathy (degeneration of the nerves) is also common in this breed.
  • Allergies: Like most dogs, Yorkies can develop allergies. But, the small size of the dog means that owners will typically see signs of allergies much earlier than they would in a larger dog.
(Fernanda Nuso/Unsplash)
(Fernanda Nuso/Unsplash)
Other conditions you should be aware of include retinal dysplasia, patellar luxation, respiratory conditions, Legg-Calve Perthes disease, and seizures. In order to keep your dog healthy, you should provide him with regular veterinary care and a nutritious diet.

2) Grooming Needs

Yorkies are a low to moderate shedding breed. They will need regular brushing to keep their coats healthy and free of mats. They should only be bathed when they need it. This is because frequent bathing can remove their body oils and make them dry and itchy. Yorkies also need their nails trimmed regularly to keep them from getting too long. To keep your Yorkie’s coat and nails in good condition, you may want to take him for professional grooming appointments every few months.

3) Temperament

If you’re considering a Yorkie as a pet, there are some things to know about their temperament. Firstly this breed is very intelligent and can become bored easily, which can lead to bad behavior. They’re also very active and need a lot of exercise. It’s important for owners to make sure they provide their Yorkies with enough physical and mental stimulation. If this is done, Yorkies can make great pets for all ages. They are especially good with kids because they are gentle around them. However, any dog can become aggressive if it feels threatened or is not trained properly. So, it’s important to teach children how to approach and interact with the dog in a kind way. Also, it’s important for Yorkie owners to socialize their dogs around other animals.
(Birute Vijeikiene/Shutterstock)
(Birute Vijeikiene/Shutterstock)

4) Nutrition And Exercise

When it comes to feeding requirements, Yorkies will need  about ¼ to ½ cup of high-quality dry food for every day. This will vary depending on the size, age, and activity level of your dog. You should feed your dog with nutritious plain or raw vegetables at least twice a week. It’s also important that your dog eats meat. It should not be fed exclusively on vegetarian diets.
(Chris Smith/Unsplash)
(Chris Smith/Unsplash)
When it comes to physical activity, this breed will need to get about 1 hour of daily exercise. Yorkies should be walked or exercised regularly, but they can’t handle long walks or running spurts like larger breeds. That said, this is a small dog and you need to take extra precautions to keep them safe. You should not walk a Yorkie off the leash in an open area because they can be easily startled and become scared.

5) Lifespan 

On average, a Yorkie will live between 12 and 16 years. Their life expectancy is longer than most toy breeds because they are generally healthier than smaller dogs. However, to keep your dog healthy and happy for a long time, make sure to keep up with his veterinary visits and provide him with plenty of love and care. Also, as mentioned before, you should only feed him with high-quality dog food.
(Lui Peng/Unsplash)
(Lui Peng/Unsplash)

If you’re considering a Yorkie as a pet, there are some things to know about their temperament. Firstly this breed is very intelligent and can become bored easily, which can lead to bad behavior. They’re also very active and need a lot of exercise. It’s important for owners to make sure they provide their Yorkies with enough physical and mental stimulation so that they don’t develop health problems from being inactive or unhappy. Lastly, make sure you take care of their nutrition needs and provide them with enough exercise to keep their minds and bodies healthy.

This article was originally published on petbloglady.com
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Lisa Taron is the founder of PetBlogLady.com.
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