One Hundred Seventy Company Heads Hold Annual Celebration at DPA

“This is absolutely beyond the international level. It really is good,” he said.
One Hundred Seventy Company Heads Hold Annual Celebration at DPA
Some of the 170 hardware business heads and their family who joined the annual arts and culture celebration. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="Some of the 170 hardware business heads and their family who joined the annual arts and culture celebration. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)" title="Some of the 170 hardware business heads and their family who joined the annual arts and culture celebration. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829944"/></a>
Some of the 170 hardware business heads and their family who joined the annual arts and culture celebration. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)

TAIPEI, Taiwan—“The Monkey King Triumphs did not have a complicated plot. There were just a few male performers, yet the Monkey King himself was so vivid,” said Liang Siangcyuanin, referring to a dance in the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show he attended on Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Siangcyuan is chairman of Taipei Heien Hardware Commerce Association and president of Best Diamond Industrial Company. From the first half of the show, he particularly liked Dance of the Yi and The Monkey King Triumphs.

“The costumes and Dance of the Yi matched wonderfully,” he said.

As part of the annual arts and culture celebration of the hardware businesses in Taipei County, Mr. Liang, his wife, and 170 business owners came to see the show. He said the DPA performers’ dance style and music, “whether masculine and bright or gentle, were manifested very well. They truly gave the performance energy.”

Mr. Liang said that he has always liked to attend various events, inclluding ballet performances, operas, musicals, and movies. Yet DPA was the only one showcasing Chinese classical dance.

Regarding the global economic crisis, Mr. Liang said, “The economy would not seem to matter if you spend more time with your family and learn to cultivate and nurture your heart and mind.”

The group also invited Hung Chiachun, Taipei county councilor, to join them.

Ms. Hung, who is responsible for education and culture in the county, said that Mulan Joins the Battle was quite moving. The story of Mulan was not foreign to her, yet the live dance displayed emotions and touched her, even though no word was spoken throughout the piece.

Changshun Mechanical Hardware Company’s Lin Rufeng brought nine members of his family.

“This is absolutely beyond the international level. It really is good,” he said.

Hsu Mingde, president of Hsin Kuang Steel Company, brought his family of four along. He said that DPA fused Chinese traditional culture into the show. He particularly liked Welcoming Spring, the alto, and the tenor. He said Chinese classical dance can touch peoples’ hearts and assist in creating harmony in society.

Rung-rung Association, one of the organizers of the group, released an electronic book and DVD for the event so that all members could have a memento.

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