Socially Conscious Lyrics Pique Author

“I am interested in the lyrics they sing,” said Mr. Dolan, an author.
Socially Conscious Lyrics Pique Author
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SAN FRANCISCO—The War Memorial Theatre of San Fransisco hosted a unique Chinese cultural performance this weekend—the Divine Performing Arts Chinese New Year Spectacular. Many professional artists attended the show—a show that is said to be the source of great artistic inspiration.

“I am interested in the lyrics they sing,” said Mr. Dolan, an author. “They seem to be very socially conscious in what they are trying to say. I felt also in the finale that they touched very strongly on that.”

The show ends with the performance Knowing the True Picture Offers Ultimate Hope, which revisits the theme explored in the opening dance; that the glorious culture of antiquity was brought by higher lives and meant to sustain the moral integrity of humankind. In this piece, the cosmic and earthly merge in a powerful vision of renewal, and higher lives are again seen entering into the world and assuming human form, this time to save people as history’s final page is turned.

Mr. Dolan was moved by the beauty and feel of ancient times that Divine Performing Arts strives to recreate. “Yes—I would have to stop and think about it [though]. I get caught up in the artistry in the presentation.”

“It’s a fine show. I like it all,” “We saw the show last year and this year it is quite as good—interesting. There’s a side of me that thinks the girls are the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. The costumes don’t hurt either!” he said jokingly.
Divine Performing Arts depicts ancient legends and modern-day struggles from Mainland China.

Mr. Dolan said he was not totally familiar with one of the well-known stories, Mulan Joins the Battle, but was pleased he could ask someone close to him about it. “The most important lady in my life is Chinese and hopefully she will fill me in on it.”

A popular story in the show, Mulan Joins the Battle is a story of loyalty, bravery and service to family and country.

Mr. Dolan has published 120 books over the past 50 years of writing. His books discuss subjects such as the environment, sport, controversial current affairs, and history.

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