‘It was just incredible’ Says Vice President of Admissions of Cosmetology School

Mrs. Chihos also thought that the Divine Performing Arts told stories that were easily understandable.
‘It was just incredible’ Says Vice President of Admissions of  Cosmetology School
Mrs. Chihos, a vice president of admissions at a cosmetology school, and Mr. Chihos, a manager in construction, watch Divine Performing Arts for the first time. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/chins.jpg" alt="Mrs. Chihos, a vice president of admissions at a cosmetology school, and Mr. Chihos, a manager in construction, watch Divine Performing Arts for the first time. (The Epoch Times)" title="Mrs. Chihos, a vice president of admissions at a cosmetology school, and Mr. Chihos, a manager in construction, watch Divine Performing Arts for the first time. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830750"/></a>
Mrs. Chihos, a vice president of admissions at a cosmetology school, and Mr. Chihos, a manager in construction, watch Divine Performing Arts for the first time. (The Epoch Times)

MINNEAPOLIS—Minneapolis is abundantly rich in water with over twenty lakes and wetlands, the Mississippi riverfront, creeks and waterfalls. It is, therefore, appropriate that it drew a comment about the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) dancers: “They looked just like they were floating,” said the Vice President of Admissions of a Cosmetology School.

The highly acclaimed Divine Performing Arts performed at the Northrop Memorial auditorium at the University of Minnesota on Feb 3.

Among those who enjoyed the show were Mrs. Chihos, a vice president of admissions at a cosmetology school, and her husband, a manager in construction.

This is their first time having attended the (DPA) presentation and they enjoyed the show immensely. They shared their overall impressions.

“The costumes were sparkly, just gorgeous to look at—there was always something to look at, and the people were beautiful—perfect!”

Apparel has always been an essential part of China’s 5000-year-old divinely bestowed culture, each costume designed and tailored to ensure that it suit the performer, the backdrop, and the storyline.

Mrs. Chihos thought the dancing was amazing. “It was just incredible how their bodies moved, they just looked like they were floating.”

When asked what they thought of the live orchestra, Mrs. Chihos replied; “It was so good, I didn’t even know it was live until I saw the conductor. I thought it was a recording.”

The Divine Performing Arts orchestra combines the best of Chinese and Western in groundbreaking musical composition.

Mrs. Chihos and her husband appreciated the Chinese culture as presented in the show, reflected in the decor of their home and from a collection of mementos.

“We like the culture and have a lot of the Chinese culture at our house. It makes us remember when we were there.”

Mrs. Chihos also thought that the Divine Performing Arts told stories that were easily understandable.

“Especially the dances where they were persecuted for their religion. You could really see how that happened and how they can still came through in the end—in their expressions and in the dancing.”

The DPA contains segments that show people being oppressed in China because of their spiritual belief. Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, is one such segment, the story of an innocent family’s suffering bespeaks of a longstanding Chinese belief that good is rewarded and bad will be punished, even if not in this lifetime.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts. Please see DivinePerformingArts.org for more information.