Dog Found With 17 Pounds of Matted Fur After Left Neglected Outside—Until Kind Humans Step In

Dog Found With 17 Pounds of Matted Fur After Left Neglected Outside—Until Kind Humans Step In

A man has been given a five-year ban on owning animals after his dog was found suffering with 17 pounds of ungroomed, matted fur.

Tim Springett’s pet Barney, a Russian terrier, was carrying an extra 21 percent of its body weight from the excess hair.

Mr. Springett told RSPCA inspectors that he believed the breed did not need clipping.

He pleaded guilty to two animal welfare offenses at Margate Magistrates Court.

Barney was handed to the RSPCA, who shaved off 17 pounds of his matted fur. Staff suspect the matting was a result of the dog being left to sleep outside, with no shelter or dry areas.

Barney, a Russian terrier, was found covered in tangled, matted fur. (SWNS)
Barney, a Russian terrier, was found covered in tangled, matted fur. (SWNS)

In her witness statement, investigating RSPCA Inspector Tina Nash said Barney was “extremely matted, with big clumps of fur hanging off of him that appeared to be full of dirt or feces and tightly bound to areas around his back'’

She said, “The environment was very untidy with lots of stuff everywhere and very dirty. I went into the back garden which was covered in feces and very dirty. There were no dry areas for the dog.”

The vet who shaved Barney described Barney’s condition: “The dog had been made to support a coat weighing approximately 21 percent of his body weight as he moved around.

“The weight of this coat would have risen considerably when the dog was wet.

“I am in no doubt that this would cause the animal physical stress as he moved.

Barney is seen having his matted fur shaved off. (SWNS)
Barney is seen having his matted fur shaved off. (SWNS)

“It is my professional opinion, based on the information provided to me, that the person responsible for the care of the dog had failed to provide the dog with a sheltered sleeping area with bedding.

“The person had also failed to groom the dog over many months and, as a consequence, had left him in a position where he was likely to suffer.”

Mr. Springett was found to be in breach of the Animal Welfare Act of 2006, which states that owners must protect the animal from suffering by grooming regularly, and provide the animal with a safe and hygienic environment.

Barney is seen during and after having his fur shaved off. (SWNS)
Barney is seen during and after having his fur shaved off. (SWNS)

During mitigation, Mr. Springett said he loves dogs and has experience working with them and claimed his ill health was behind the issues.

He was given a 5-year ban on owning animals, as well as a 12-month community order.

Luckily, Barney is being looked after by the RSPCA, where he is currently in private boarding and will be made available for rehoming soon.

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