Dad of 3 Takes Over Challenging Motherly Tasks When Wife’s Away to Visit Ailing Father

Dad of 3 Takes Over Challenging Motherly Tasks When Wife’s Away to Visit Ailing Father

Parenting, a 24/7 full-time job, becomes somewhat less challenging when mothers and fathers join hands to care for the little ones. One such young Filipino couple has been inspiring many through their daily life social media vlogs and posts.

Omni and Bryce are the proud parents of three children—Zia, Zela, and Zed. They first met in July 2010, and just six months later, in January 2011, they tied the nuptial knot.

Through their social media journey, the family has earned fame as #TheClingyFam for their beautiful posts related to parenting, marriage, and life in general.

In May 2018, Bryce shared one of the touching moments of his fatherhood after the birth of their youngest child, Zed.

Just a month after Omni’s maternity leave ended, she had to go out of town to attend to their hospitalized father—leaving the two young kids, a newborn son, and her husband all alone.

During that time, Bryce had to juggle between babysitting all the three kids and managing the house chores.

Bryce, being the sweetest daddy that he is, looked after and cared for their children adorably well. Appreciating his wife for her efficient motherly skills, Bryce shared his heartfelt feelings on Facebook.

“When he (Zed) arrived last January, Mama accompanied us, so it was all too easy,” Bryce wrote.

However, after experiencing what it’s like being a full-time mom, with no helpers around, he said he came to “know the meaning of the word rest.”

The little clingy baby Zed obviously required more attention and needed his extra cuddling time. So Bryce would carry Zed on a baby carrier while doing all the household work.

Cooking meals to cleaning the home, everything was top notch.

Bryce also shared another beautiful memory regarding his wife’s text messages. He said even a short text from his wife saying, “I’m coming home, love,” would make him happy as a parent, as Omni would be back soon and he'd have “more help in caring for children!”

He recalled that at times they would need to cook more and sometimes takeaway meals would do the trick.

The workload and challenges can be tiring at times, but The Clingy Fam believes in confronting the hardships with all their might.

The family believes that for creating a beautiful tomorrow, “there are many sacrifices.”

“We dream of a time when we would just watch our kids grow and do things that matter to them as they build and achieve their own dreams. ... as the future of our nation depends on the kind of children that we raise today,” the couple said on their website, TheClingyFam.

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