Couple Makes Pleas on Social Media to Moms Who Plan to Abort: ‘We Will Adopt Your Baby’

Couple Makes Pleas on Social Media to Moms Who Plan to Abort: ‘We Will Adopt Your Baby’
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

“If anyone out there reads this and is considering abortion, I will take your baby. My wife and I will gladly take all your babies! I’m completely serious. If you are pregnant and don’t want your child, we will. It’s not a fetus. It’s a blessing. Life matters.”

It was this post that started it all.

In 2015, Kevin and Nicole Cook took to social media to make a plea to women who had been planning to abort their babies and have them consider adoption instead. Little did the Cooks know that their post would kickstart a movement that would lead to many otherwise unwanted babies going to prospective loving homes.
The New York Senate passed the Reproductive Health Act on Jan. 22, 2019, which would effectively protect abortion rights in the state and make it legal to terminate a pregnancy after 24 weeks.
Later, on Jan. 28, a Virginia couple, Blake and Sarah Thomas, inspired by the Cooks’ initiative, took to Facebook to express their interest in adopting unwanted babies.
They wrote, “Don’t abort your baby! We will adopt! Please contact us if you'd be open to adoption as an option! #adoptionislife.”
Sarah told Liftable, “We wanted to put a face to adoption and help women realize there is another great option available to them.”

The Thomases are parents to two young sons, an 8-month-old biological one and a 2-year-old adopted one. “God has given us a love for orphans and we are willing to open our home and our hearts to as many children as God sees fit to give us,” Sarah said.

And their plea seems to have worked. According to the couple, the response has been overwhelming and the couple is currently going through the adoption process with one of the mothers who'd reached out to them.

Sarah shared, “Our hope and prayer was to save the life of a baby who may never know the joy of being born, and the Lord has answered that prayer!”

“Our prayer is that Christian’s [sic] would come together to support and love these mother’s [sic] instead of making them feel shamed or guilted for considering abortion,” she explained. “So many families would be willing to adopt or help these mother’s keep their babies, but unless the mother’s know it many will choose the only choice they feel is available to them.”
And just as the Cooks did for the Thomases, the Thomases have also seemed to have inspired many others to reach out to women who plan to abort via social media with the promise that they will take in any unwanted babies.

The post has garnered 24,000 reactions and some 88,000 shares since it was posted. Many social media users also took to praise the couple for their action.

One user wrote: “It’s a great thing that your doing. I was in foster care for 9 years before I was finally adopted. Please don’t abort!! There are so many families that would take excellent care of your child!!!?”

While another commented, “I love this!!!! It’s so true there are countless families that will take babies.”

On Feb. 5, the couple posted an update, stating: “Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in helping these women. At this time we are no longer receiving messages and the women who contacted us have been referred to Pregnancy Resource Centers or adoption agencies. Thank you!”

Now, with the debate on abortion raging on social media, it’s stories like these that seek to unite instead of divide people. As with most issues, it’s important to remember that we’re all human and are all just trying our best. Hopefully, this story will touch someone and let them know that abortion isn’t the only option.

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