Book Review: ‘Unlikely Friendships: 47 Remarkable Stories from the Animal Kingdom’

Unlikely friendships? Yes, we’ve all heard of those. But this book goes a lot farther—describing unlikely friendships among animals that truly do not belong together.
Book Review: ‘Unlikely Friendships: 47 Remarkable Stories from the Animal Kingdom’
(Courtesy of Workman Publishing)

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 (Courtesy of Workman Publishing)
Unlikely friendships? Yes, we’ve all heard of those. People of different cultures, economic backgrounds, or personalities come together to form close friendships despite all their differences. But this book goes a lot farther—describing unlikely friendships among animals that truly do not belong together. Some of them are mortal enemies, and it’s amazing to see the photographs and stories documenting their lives together.

You’ve heard of the phrase “the lion lays down with the lamb,” but this book by Jennifer Holland not only literally shows us the lion and the lamb, it also shows us such diverse companions as an elephant and a sheep, a dog and a fish, a dog and a dolphin, and even (this has to be the strangest one of all!) a hippo and a tortoise.

Holland narrates each of the 47 tales of animal pairs with humor and compassion. There are a variety of ways that these animals come together and become friends, playmates, protectors, and companions, and each story is fascinating.

Some of them you’ve heard of before—a cat and dog become close friends—but in this case, the twist is that the dog is blind and the cat becomes its “eyes,” a seeing-eye cat of sorts. But other pairs are unbelievable, as the animals are typically predator and prey— such as a snake and a hamster (remember when your hamster got eaten by your brother’s pet snake?), a rat and a cat (Tom and Jerry cartoons come to mind!), and an owl and a greyhound dog.

Each story is told within their own chapter with beautiful, heart-warming photos showing the animals living, sleeping, and playing together. As you look at the photos (lots of “awww” moments) and read their remarkable stories, you will be amazed over and over again by the complexity of these relationships, and find yourself wondering how they could possibly work. It’s hard enough for humans to get along with other humans who are “different” from them. But these animals are finding friendship outside their own species!

Some of the animals met in zoos or wildlife preserves, while others were adopted by families, or grew up together in the wild. Some of the friendships have an explanation, like animals that came together in the aftermath of losing a mother or baby. But others are truly unexplainable mysteries.

Take the story of Lucky, a cat who was adopted by a couple from an animal shelter and taken home to live with them and their pet cockatoo Coco. They were a little nervous over introducing the two. But one day, the couple found that the bird, whose favorite perching spot was the owner’s big sleigh bed, was instead perched on top of the cat’s head! Lucky didn’t seem to mind and loved it when Coco scratched her ears with her beak. Lucky also loved to roll over and have Coco give her a massage with her claws. The owners were initially afraid that the large bird might hurt the cat, but it never happened. They have become inseparable companions.

The photos will touch and amaze you. Looking at a photo of a large macaque monkey carrying a tiny kitten just like she would her own baby is unbelievable. And so is seeing a koi fish come to the surface of the pond to touch the nose of her “pet” dog. Some of the friendships are short-lived, but others have lasted for years and still continue on.

This is the kind of book you’ll want to keep on your coffee table and share with visitors. You’ll show them the photos, and they too will be surprised. Soon, you’ll find them rummaging through the book looking at the other stories and talking about the unlikely friendships.

Each story reveals the true magic and power of friendships—and maybe even love. Can animals love? After you read these stories, you won’t doubt that. We can learn so much from these creatures—their compassion, love, concern, and caring for another animal from a different species. Hopefully humans can someday learn this lesson for themselves.

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