Be the Best Boss Ever

Be the Best Boss Ever
(CSA Images/Getty Images)
Bill Lindsey
Being a manager or supervisor requires well-honed social skills. These tips will help you earn the respect of those who work with and for you.

Respect the Team

In order to earn the respect of your employees, you must first respect them. When they know that you value them and their hard work, they are more likely to give their best effort every time. However, if you essentially ignore them, don’t be surprised by high turnover and low morale. A sincere “thank you” or “good job” is essential in order to keep them motivated; everyone wants to know their efforts are appreciated.

Watch the Clock

Just because you work until 7 p.m. each night doesn’t mean you should expect your associates to do so as well. If there is a special project that requires long hours, offer some type of compensation, perhaps in the form of either extra pay or time off. However, if office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., but you roll in at 10 a.m. and leave by 4 p.m., you’ll have a hard time inspiring your staff to work late.

Show Appreciation

If you eat lunch every day with a select group of associates, invite your staff to come along every once in a while. Better yet, have lunch catered for the department or the entire company (assuming it’s a small firm). Your workers are people, so make a point of knowing their names and some personal details, such as about their children or pets, and make sure to have birthday cakes for everyone’s special day.

Be Equitable

A fast way to demoralize the staff is for them to see you treating one or several others as your favorites. It can happen innocently enough if you and they share hobbies or root for the same team, but be careful to keep it low-key. If you discover the “boss’s pets” behave poorly with their co-workers, thinking they are above the rules, you need to quash it fast. Treat everyone fairly, and be understanding when someone is having a bad day.

Private Matters

It’s best to avoid discussing topics such as politics, religion, and personal opinions with co-workers, especially those who report to you. It’s too easy for an innocent comment to be misunderstood, so just avoid potentially sensitive topics altogether. If you become aware that a member of your staff is having problems at home, unless you know them well, don’t broach the subject. But if they come to you seeking advice, give them your full attention.
Bill Lindsey is an award-winning writer based in South Florida. He covers real estate, automobiles, timepieces, boats, and travel topics.
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