Chairman of the Augusta Coliseum Authority: ‘We’re really enjoying the show’

Shen Yun Performing Arts Company performed on Friday, March 13, at Augusta’s William B. Bell Auditorium
Chairman of the Augusta Coliseum Authority: ‘We’re really enjoying the show’
(Edward Dai/The Epoch Times)
(Edward Dai/The Epoch Times)
(Edward Dai/The Epoch Times)
AUGUSTA, Ga.—Shen Yun Performing Arts Company travels the globe to show the world true traditional Chinese culture performed on Friday, March 13, at Augusta’s William B. Bell Auditorium

Mr. Richard Isdell, chairman of the Augusta Coliseum Authority, the entity that has under its jurisdiction the venue where Shen Yun performed.

The artists’ mission is to bring ancient tales of heroism and modern tales of courage that brings to the world’s attention the suffering of a group of Chinese people who believes in truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.

“Great, the colors are wonderful ... the movements, [and] the hand movements. The girls are so pretty. We’re really enjoying the show,” said Mr. Isdell with a gleam of enjoyment in his eyes.

“I don’t know if I have a favorite, they’re all so good. I’m waiting to see: There might be … something coming up from the Ming Dynasty. Do you know if that’s in the show?” he asked.

He referred to the drumming scene Dragon Springs Drummers.

Then, he remembered, “Yes, the drums were awesome, the drummers were very good. We’re really enjoying it.”

The costumes, a kaleidoscope of colors, were “Very pretty, very colorful. I have a little girl here with me and ... she wants me to buy her some.”

He also mentioned the unique Shen Yun orchestra with both Western and Chinese instruments.

“Very good music. I think it’s mixing very well. ... It’s beautiful, very nice,” he said.

Regarding the dance scenes, he said, “I think it’s telling a story very well. I like the one when the mountain blew up, Monk Ji Gong Abducts the Bride.

“Chinese culture is much older than ours is, so they must know a lot more than we know.

“It’s hard for me to explain, just it’s [the show] very good.

“Very, very energetic, but very peaceful at the same time. Everybody has ... lots and lots of movement.”

The 3-D backdrop, different from what has been seen in any theater, is also something many visitors will talk about.

“Yes … this [backdrop] is different. It’s bigger, the colors are more vivid and the way you bring somebody out from the background, I’ve never seen that before. That’s very nice.

“Yes, it’s very exciting they come down and then you see people come out, that’s very good,” Mr. Isdell.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit
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