7-Foot-1-Inch Man Who Was Born Weighing 13lb Shares His Daily Struggles

7-Foot-1-Inch Man Who Was Born Weighing 13lb Shares His Daily Struggles

With a height of 7 feet 1 inch, Beau Brown is a real-life giant who is so tall that strangers stop him on the street to take photos with him.

The 30-year-old content creator from Atlanta has always been taller and bigger than the average man.

“I was born 13lbs, and the people in the hospital said I was the biggest baby they'd ever seen,” he said.

Mr. Brown, 30, towers over a friend. (SWNS)
Mr. Brown, 30, towers over a friend. (SWNS)

His late dad, Duke Brown, was 6 feet 9 inches and his mom, Lisa Milecki, is 6 feet tall. Thus, his parents weren’t surprised when he grew to more than 7 feet tall.

By the age of 14, he was 6 feet tall, and then 10 years later, he grew an additional 10 inches. As a child, whenever he went to play baseball, his parents made sure he had a birth certificate as people would often think he was a lot older.

But being so tall meant he had to make adjustments to fit into an average-sized world.

Mr. Brown has no trouble reaching for things on the top shelf. (SWNS)
Mr. Brown has no trouble reaching for things on the top shelf. (SWNS)

Ms. Brown’s house has a 9-foot-high ceiling and a custom 9-foot-long bed to accommodate his large frame. He drives a Ford F50 Lightning truck.

Needless to say, he does struggle with doorways and ceilings in most buildings, and his feet often hang over the end of conventional beds.

“Travelling is horrible, but it has a lot more pros to it than cons,” Mr. Brown said. “Hotels are horrible, showers and even beds are, but I now have a custom bed at home.”

Mr. Brown struggling on a flight. (SWNS)
Mr. Brown struggling on a flight. (SWNS)

Despite the challenges that come with being so tall, Mr. Brown says he wouldn’t have it any other way as he has grown used to being 7 feet 1 inch tall. Mr. Brown is constantly stopped by strangers on the street who stare at him, ask to take pictures with him, and make remarks about his height.

He always gets asked the same sorts of questions such as, “How tall are you? Do you play basketball? What car do you drive?”

Content creator Beau Brown, 30, is taller than most people he meets. (SWNS)
Content creator Beau Brown, 30, is taller than most people he meets. (SWNS)

Mr. Brown’s wife, Sara, is a recruiter and is 6 feet 1 inch tall. The pair recently had their first baby, Delilah, who is 4 months old and already in the 99th percentile at 26 inches.

There are only 2,800 people worldwide who are over 7 feet tall.

Watch the video:

(Video credit: Newsflare)
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