22 Rules for Art Fair Etiquette

22 Rules for Art Fair Etiquette
Visitors during the press preview of the 55th Venice art biennale on May 29, 2013 in Venice. (GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images)

It is a new season and another round of art, antique and design shows are being held across the globe. 

For the exhibitor there is a hope that the economy is improving and dealers are anxious to sell their collections at shows. Often times the public takes these shows for granted and do not realize that the exhibitor on the floor is not there just to provide “entertainment” but is there to sell and/or engage in an enlightened conversation about their specialty. 

A dealer has spent an enormous time pulling together the concept of their space and executing the installation of the space. They have invested money with their inventory, advertising, booth costs, fees, transport, travel expenses and set up to be in a location for a limited amount of time. These people deserve respect for their efforts and I hope to point out here some examples of public behavior which is certainly annoying to all dealers.

I am presenting to you things which have happened to me as an exhibitor or complaints I have heard from dealers in other fields. It is amazing at each show there seems to always be another story that circulates of bad manners.

1. Never stand with a group of people either in a booth or in the aisle having idle chit chat, blocking the view of others. Move to a location where the dealer has visibility from the aisle. 

2. Please do not engage the dealer just to impress your friends with your “knowledge.” Engage the dealer with polite conversation if you wish and come back for a more private conversation.

3. Never embarrass the dealer by saying you have the “same thing” purchased from somewhere else at a considerably lower price. If you choose to enter this discussion, do it privately and at your own risk. Almost everything at these shows is a unique item and it is doubtful that you have the same thing. In the case of a painting by the same artist, there are many factors which enter the equation when it comes to price.

4. Please never pull the tags off the walls or remove descriptions.

5. Never touch a painting or the frame of a painting!

6. Do not pick up any small items in a booth without asking the permission of the dealer.

7. I wish I had a video camera in my booth at shows to watch the number of people approach a locked piece of furniture and try to open it. French locks can be tricky. Ask the exhibitor to open the doors and drawers for you.

8. Never set food or drink on any surface in a dealer’s booth. 

9. Never hand the dealer your garbage and ask them to throw it out. Your garbage is your responsibility.

10. Strollers need to be in the aisles and not woven through carefully arranged furniture unless the dealer allows you to bring the stroller in.

11. Children in booths need to keep their hands to themselves. Please attend to your children. They are welcome but not at the risk of destroying a booth.

12. Never take out a pen, pencil, and a piece of paper and proceed to write on the surface of a piece of furniture. This happened to me in a New York fair when a man proceeded to come into my booth to write his check for a purchase from the booth across the aisle. The restoration of this desk cost me $1,500.

13. Please refrain from playing with the flowers in the booth and interrupting the dealer who is in conversation to ask, “are these real” or “where did you get your flowers?”

14. Never assume that any chair or sofa in a dealer’s booth is there for you to sit on. If you are tired there are usually places provided by the show for you to relax.

15. Please do not occupy the entire counter trying on jewelry with an assembly of friends who are not in the market. Find another time to come back and play when the dealer may not be as busy. 

16. Please read the maps or signage at a show and do not interrupt a dealer in conversation to ask where the bathroom is. I never mind answering these questions if I am not busy and I expect a courteous thank you. 

17. Shows are a great opportunity for a dealer to add to their inventory. If you are trying to sell something, please approach the exhibitor when they are not busy. It is not courteous to show your photographs to a dealer while there are many potential clients at the booth. Just ask the dealer if you could meet at a specific time.

18. Shows are a great opportunity to meet restorers and conservationists. If you are in these occupations, introduce yourself with a card and ask when would be a good time to meet.

19. Never put anything on hold unless you are quite sure that you are seriously interested in the piece. There is a limited amount of time for the dealer to sell the item and you should be considerate of this.

20. Never take something or have something delivered to you unless you are serious about needing the object. Once delivered, you must decide quickly because the dealer will need to take it back and try to sell it while he or she has an opportunity.

21. Never come to an agreement with a dealer about a purchase, take it home whether paid for or not (some dealers will give you terms) and then decide not to go through with the purchase for reasons which are not legitimate. If you have a good reason which is no fault of the dealer then you should return the item at your expense. 

22. Please do not collect catalogues and cards from dealers only to leave them as trash. These cost money and it would be kinder if you do not take or accept what is offered in the booth if you are not interested.

These are just a few examples of behavior at an antique show. I know there are other stories but I have mentioned the most frequent behavior. The purpose of these exhibitions is not only for a dealer to sell but to engage with an interested and courteous audience. We love to teach about paintings, furniture and the decorative arts. We welcome anyone who appreciates our knowledge and expertise and hope that we provide a feast for the eyes.

Mary Helen McCoy’s website is www.maryhelenmccoy.com. The Art, Antiques and Luxury Design Blog (AAD) is a trusted channel to market, and it serves as a virtual meeting place and a voice for art, antiques and design professionals. It is a bridge for integration and learning between these three markets. www.art-antiques-design.com

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