Big Sister Refuses to Let Go of Newborn Baby, Shakes Her Head When Anyone Gets Near

Big Sister Refuses to Let Go of Newborn Baby, Shakes Her Head When Anyone Gets Near
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

When talking about sibling relationships...

Sometimes, they fight like cats and dogs. Then there are others that will stand up for one another through thick and thin, going to great lengths to protect one another.

A video featuring one overprotective sister has been spreading like wildfire on social media, racking up nearly 9 million views!

The adorable footage  was captured soon after mom Ashley Neville gave birth to baby Peyton—her second child—at a hospital in Pennsylvania.

Apparently, Neville’s daughter Henley, around 1.5 years old, formed a strong bond with the newest addition to the family right away.

Henley was so smitten with the cute newborn that she snuggled down in the bassinet to lie next to her, tucking her arm underneath her baby sister’s.

Just when Henley was enjoying a cozy moment together with Peyton, her grandma approached and asked: “Henley, you want me to take the baby? I’ll take her.”

Henley’s reaction had her family in stitches.

She glared at her grandma, shaking her head, signaling “No, you can’t take her.”

When grandma attempts to pick Peyton up, Henley holds her baby sister closer to her.

Seeing Henley’s stern response, grandma apologizes, “I’m sorry.”

Grandma and somebody else in the room tried to lift baby Peyton up numerous times, but each time, Henley shook her head vehemently, refusing to allow them to take her sister away.

With a strict facial expression, Henley protected Peyton till the end.

Ultimately, Grandma gave up. She suggested, “You want to go on a ride?”

Henley agreed, but of course, Peyton had to be in her arms for the ride—she promised to take care of her sister.

So, at the end of the video, Grandma is seen pushing the bassinet, ready to give Henley and Peyton a ride around the hospital.

Henley is really protective of her little sister! Her sisterly love is too cute for words.

We’re sure Henley will continue to protect Peyton as she grows up, and beyond!

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