‘This kind of beauty can’t be a mistake.’

Tonight was closing night for the Divine Performing Arts International Company in Pasadena. The show played to 16,000 audience members from Dec. 30, 2008 to Jan. 4, 2009. The audience experienced authentic, ancient Chinese culture at it’s best.
‘This kind of beauty can’t be a mistake.’
Ms. Rose, Ms. Estinger and Ms. Jones. (Cheryl Casati /The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/2009-01-04-LosAngeles-CherylCasati-Rose-Estinger-Jones.JPG" alt="Ms. Rose, Ms. Estinger and Ms. Jones. (Cheryl Casati /The Epoch Times)" title="Ms. Rose, Ms. Estinger and Ms. Jones. (Cheryl Casati /The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831692"/></a>
Ms. Rose, Ms. Estinger and Ms. Jones. (Cheryl Casati /The Epoch Times)
PASADENA, Calif.—Tonight was closing night for the Divine Performing Arts International Company in Pasadena. The show played to 16,000 audience members from Dec. 30, 2008 to Jan. 4, 2009. The audience experienced authentic, ancient Chinese culture at it’s best. 

Ms. Rose, Ms. Estinger and Ms. Jones all had been looking forward to coming to the DPA performance on closing night.

Ms. Jones, a nurse from the local area, was quite happy to talk with Epoch Times reporters.

She said, “Fantastic, the show is fantastic: I am so glad we came. I loved the costumes, the colors and the way the backdrop worked to show the Divine beings descending from Heaven and then coming onto the stage in form. I brought my friends tonight.”

Her favorite was “Welcoming Spring,” a segment which has bursts of color as spring is the welcome blessing after winter’s cold.

Ms. Rose loved the Tibetan men’s dance, “Dance of the Snow Capped Mountain”, and said it was a powerful performance: “I love the fact that the communist [Chinese] regime disapproves of this show... it means the DPA are presenting something really great! They (DPA) have the right spirit, they are on the right track, this kind of beauty can’t be a mistake.”

Ms. Eslinger, a merchandizing agent had an interesting perspective. She had traveled to China a short while before the Tiananmen Square Massacre. “Having traveled in China 20 or so years ago I am really happy to see the message of this show, which I see as ’seek the truth,'” she said.

She continued, “After visiting communist China, I came home and literally kissed the ground. That visit made me thankful for the freedom we have.”

“I would like to wish Happy New Year and good luck to the DPA company. I am emailing all my friends and relatives in San Franciso telling them to go see this show.”

DPA will be performing on Jan. 7 will be running to Jan. 11 in San Franciso.

The other ladies chimed in, “We will be back next year, and we'll be bringing lots of people.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts.
For more information, please see DivinePerformingArts.org

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