Australian Artist Takes the World by Storm

Graeme’s extensive travels provide inspiration for his art, which is a combination of naturist and surreal artistic interpretations.
Australian Artist Takes the World by Storm
Photo courtesy of Graeme Stevenson
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Graeme Stevenson at work in his studio, where his love for nature comes alive.  (Photo courtesy of Graeme Stevenson)" title="Graeme Stevenson at work in his studio, where his love for nature comes alive.  (Photo courtesy of Graeme Stevenson)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-75711"/></a>
Graeme Stevenson at work in his studio, where his love for nature comes alive.  (Photo courtesy of Graeme Stevenson)

The art world is not an easy industry to achieve consistent success. But Australian artist Graeme Stevenson has not only succeeded as an acclaimed artist in his own country, but can confidently enjoy the status of international acclaim.

Admired by critics and art lovers around the world, Graeme Stevenson is one of Australia’s finest living exports, with some of his work hanging in the homes of presidents and international celebreties.

Graeme, who knew he wanted to be an artist from the age of five, has stayed committed to his dream. “I always knew I was going to do this one way or another,” he told The Epoch Times. “It has not been an easy journey by any means. I have had good and bad years with my career, but have never faulted on what I wanted to do and where my passion lay in life.”

Motivated by nature and the world around him, Graeme used his childhood pets – a collection of Australian parrots – as subjects for his paintings. After years of refining this skill, he was commissioned to paint the images for The Atlas of Parrots, one of the largest editions of its size in the world.

Being a man of many talents, Graeme obtained his pilot’s licence and, like the birds he painted, was able to spread his wings and fly across Australia and around the world, exploring, photographing and eventually painting the exotic animals of his homeland and other lands.

<a href=""><img src="" alt=" (Photo courtesy of Graeme Stevenson)" title=" (Photo courtesy of Graeme Stevenson)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-75712"/></a>
 (Photo courtesy of Graeme Stevenson)
Graeme’s extensive travels provide inspiration for his art, which is a combination of naturist and surreal artistic interpretations. He describes it as “vibrant and alive”, and aims to give viewers the feeling of joy and be thought provoking at the same time.

The fascinating tales of his travels are illustrated in his art, from the mountains of North America, Canada and Alaska to the middle of Africa, to the volcanoes and tropical reefs of the Pacific Islands. “I have been in the middle of the wildebeast migration in Africa and then, in the north, stood in the middle of the caribou migration. I’ve seen lions killing zebra and bears fishing in mountain streams.”

Graeme spent 15 years living and working in the US, and one of his achievements during that time was his involvement in The Ripple Effect Project.

“The idea of the project was to say to people that anyone can make a difference if they really believe they can,” explained Graeme. Money and paintings to the value of $150,000 were given to charities such as Montel Williams MS Foundation, aids research, children’s hospitals, diabetes research and cancer research through the Canary Foundation in California.

As a consequence of The Ripple Effect Project, President Bill Clinton acquired three of Graeme’s paintings and sent Graeme a congratulatory letter.

Earlier this year, Graeme was given an opportunity that most artists only dream of. Guthney-Renker and the US television company Celebrity Shopping Network had been following his career and keeping a close eye on the development of his art throughout the world. Graeme’s artistic achievements saw him chosen to represent Australia on the Celebrity Shopping Network channel – a giant step forward both for Graeme and for Australian art.

The criteria for artists to appear on this show is not just brilliant artwork. They also need to be a solid and versatile performer in the art industry by showing their dedication, professionalism and creativity, as well as being articulate and have an interesting personality. Graeme Stevenson clearly fits the bill.

When Graeme found out about the offer, he didn’t believe it at first. “I never imagined that they had been watching me for seven years, through galleries and my publishers in the States.” He is the first Australian artist to appear on a nationally broadcast channel in the US.

“I wear an Aussie Akubra hat and love talking about my country,” he laughs. “I hope in the future I can be a part of promoting my country while doing these TV appearances.”

This exposure in America will allow Graeme to continue sharing his passion in art with a very large audience.

Take a look at Graeme Stevenson’s extensive collection by visiting

Emma-Kate Knezevic
Emma-Kate Knezevic
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