Artist Finds ‘Spectacular’ Beautiful

Ms. Saquseia was among the audience of opening night of the Chinese New Year Spectacular presented by Divine Performing Arts (DPA) at the San Francisco Opera House Jan.7.
Artist Finds ‘Spectacular’ Beautiful
The audience at the start of the Chinese New Year Spectacular in the San Francisco Opera House. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="The audience at the start of the Chinese New Year Spectacular in the San Francisco Opera House. (The Epoch Times)" title="The audience at the start of the Chinese New Year Spectacular in the San Francisco Opera House. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831525"/></a>
The audience at the start of the Chinese New Year Spectacular in the San Francisco Opera House. (The Epoch Times)
SAN FRANCISCO—Ms. Saquseia was among the audience of opening night of the Chinese New Year Spectacular presented by Divine Performing Arts (DPA) at the San Francisco Opera House Jan.7.

She said “I do expression painting, also abstract painting.” Ms. Saquseia bases her works on methodologies and traditions of the ancient people of America. She has been painting for over 30 years.

She was enthralled by all facets of the Divine Performing Arts show. “I think it’s very beautiful, and I love the music very much, and dancers are very talented … they use very traditional instruments, it has very different sound that I really like it.”

The Divine Performing Arts Orchestra begins with a classical Western orchestra as its foundation and augments this with traditional Chinese instruments, enabling its compositions to at once mine the potential of Western orchestral music and yet be rich in Chinese qualities.

As an artist, Ms. Saquseia was particularly interested in the digital scenery, “Oh, it’s very beautiful, I really like it, I like mountains, bright colors. I really the technology that makes it part animation, and part live action, dancers with animation. I think it’s really unusual, it’s a very interesting way to do performance. It’s the first time I see something like this. Very innovative.”

“I’d tell [people] definitely come to see the dance performance, it will be unusual treat and I think they should bring family too, since Chinese people is very important to California history.”

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