Artist Excited by Extraordinary Colours of Shen Yun

Artist Hilli: “They’re swirling the colours around so that the colours are endlessly intermingling with each other, and giving this wonderful, almost rainbow effect.”
Artist Excited by Extraordinary Colours of Shen Yun
Businessman Peter accompanied Hilli to see Shen Yun Performing Arts in London, on April 7. He Bin/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Businessman Peter accompanied Hilli to see Shen Yun Performing Arts in London, on April 7. (He Bin/The Epoch Times)" title="Businessman Peter accompanied Hilli to see Shen Yun Performing Arts in London, on April 7. (He Bin/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1805905"/></a>
Businessman Peter accompanied Hilli to see Shen Yun Performing Arts in London, on April 7. (He Bin/The Epoch Times)
LONDON—The dazzling colours on stage caught the eye of artist Hilli, when Shen Yun Performing Arts gave their third performance at The London Coliseum on Thursday, April 7.

“I liked the use of complementary colours, using orange and turquoise, orange and green,” said Hilli after the show.

“The colours are very exciting, but they have a real zing about them, and the movements tend to enhance the effect of the colours as well, because they’re swirling the colours around so that the colours are endlessly intermingling with each other, and giving this wonderful, almost rainbow effect.”

As a painter, Hilli has a particular appreciation of colour: “Throughout the whole thing it was extraordinarily colourful, and it’s, for an English person that’s used to everything being grey, it’s a great relief, really!”

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts are reviving the 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture through classical Chinese dance and music. Story-based dances together with ethnic folk-inspired dances bring to life the rich history and cultural heritage of China.

Businessman Peter had accompanied Hilli to see Shen Yun. He was impressed with the way the show presented Chinese history.

“Very good, very good intro to Chinese history. China has a very rich history, so it’s good to see 5,000 years of Chinese history in simple, clear parts, different parts of history, the different dynasties, the different parts of China—very interesting, very rich,” he said.

“Interesting that they show more recent Chinese history, like the terracotta warriors being found, and the girls in the school, they lose their teacher, so very interesting,” said Peter, commenting on the dance Our Story, which tells the moving story portraying courage in the face of adversity, and leaves a message of hope and inspiration.

Reporting by He Bin and Kat Piper.

Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company will be at The London Coliseum from April 5–10. For more information, visit