Are You an Early Riser?

Are You an Early Riser?
For many, the most valuable hours of the day are when others are still sleeping. (Flamingo Images/Shutterstock)

I’ve never been a happy sleeper. As a child, I can remember that I never wanted to go to bed. I always got up early. You see, I love new. I love a start. I love fresh. Let me explain.

My favourite day is always Monday. My favourite day of the year is new year’s day. My favourite day of the month is always the first. So, I love a new day, new week, new month and new year.

I also like to let go, not hold on, pass it by, not let it bother me, start a fresh and get on with it. I don’t know if that’s pragmatism or laziness. If it needs sorting out, more often than not, it gets binned. I don’t mean things like a pocket in my jeans that’s dropping my loose change but the metaphorical stuff that can take up unnecessary space in my head.

So, the best way for me to do that is get up early and start a new day.

Beign an early riser means that I have lots of time before work when I have the most energy. It means that the house is clean, that food is prepared, that the fires are either lit or set and the laundry is done. Usually way before 8 am. I can get a lot done when I’m fresh and bright ever morning.

It’s the same way I deal with all the things that I don’t like, or don’t want to do. Need a smear test, mammogram, do the house work, cut the grass, bring in the wood, do the food shopping, menu plan, stock check, then I get up early and either book them in early or do them early. Then, they are done.

What’s any of this got to do with saving money? It’s how I approach saving, how we paid off debt, how we saved an emergency fund and then saved for what ever we needed. I got up early and I did what I had to do whether I liked it or not.

I’m often asked how did I do what I did. How do I stay focused and thrifty and not give into the desire to splurge or spend money. I’m often asked how I get done what I get done and work full time too. There’s no magic solution I’m afraid. I often do what I don’t want to do, don’t like doing, and can often make me feel frustrated but I just do it.

If it’s got to be done, I get on and I do it.

I don’t ask, “Is this my job?” I don’t ask, “Why do I have to do this?”

I don’t ask, “Is there something more enjoyable I could be doing with my time right now?”

I just get on and do it. Any emotions I feel from not liking what I do, just get dumped. They don’t profit me one bit so they can just naff off out of my head.

I was up early again this morning, I opened the windows to let in the fresh air, stripped the bed, marked homework, prepared for my working day, had a shower, wrote a shopping list, made a meal plan and got on with my day.

What about you? Are you an early riser? What can you get done in the morning that you just don’t have the energy to do later? Does it make a difference to you?

I always love to hear from you and thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment. I greatly appreciate your support.

This article was originally published on Frugal Queen in France.
A British couple living in Brittany on a budget shares frugal recipes, days out, home renovations and day to day making do in France.
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