ARC Chairman Fred Ross to Speak at Salmagundi Club

ARC Chairman Fred Ross to Speak at Salmagundi Club

Fred Ross, chairman of the Art Renewal Center, will be speaking at the ARC Salon Exhibition on Jan. 20 at the Salmagundi Club in New York City.

The Art Renewal Center, a 501C3 non-profit educational foundation dedicated to the renewal of skill-based training in the visual arts, is having a major live exhibition of 75 works from the winners and finalists of their 2014/2015 International contest.  

The works of contemporary realism featured in this upcoming exhibit just returned from a hugely successful show hosted at the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona, Spain. While there, the ARC Salon winners were shown alongside winners from the 2015 Figurativas competition, a prestigious European representational art competition.

The combining of these two shows was a historic event for the representational art movement of Post Contemporary Art, and constituted the largest collaborative show on contemporary realism in the Western world. The ARC portion will now hang at the Salmagundi Club from January 18th to February 4th, 2016.  

The Salmagundi Club is located at 47, 5th Avenue, NYC, NY 10003.

ARC will be planning several lectures and educational events during the time the show will be in New York City.  On Wednesday, January 20th, from 7:00 to 8:00, Frederick C. Ross, will being giving a lecture entitled, The Visual Language of Realism and Its Critical Importance in Fine Art.  

In this thought-provoking lecture, Mr. Ross uses logic, aesthetics and his passion for contemporary realism to prove the cause of realism as the highest form of visual art.   

Frederick C. Ross is the founder and Chairman of the Art Renewal Center.  He is also the leading authority on William Bouguereau and co-author of the published Catalogue Raisonné William Bouguereau: His Life and Works. Ross received his MA in art education from Columbia University. His speeches and essays are read by over 300,000 art professionals, educators, students and fans each year; and have become required reading in countless classrooms. He has lectured at venues such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sotheby’s NY, the University of Memphis, TN, The Berkshire Museum, MA, The University of Connecticut, The Wadsworth Athenaeum, CT, The Dahesh Museum, NY, The Montclair Art Museum, NJ and more.

You may come earlier, between 5:00 and 7:00 and view these beautiful works of art before the lecture.   Some of the works of art are for sale. Tickets for the show and lecture are $35 and can be purchased in ARC store or at the door.  For $100, you can reserve seats in the first couple rows and will also be given a copy of the ARC 2014/2015 Salon Competition Catalog. Wine and soda will be available for sale at the bar and the Salmagundi Club has a wonderful restaurant downstairs that opens at 5:30.  Reservation are recommended by calling the Club at 212-255-7740.

To learn about the other events being held during the time the exhibition will be up, or prices for works of art that are available for sale, please visit the ARC site at:


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