Anxious? Acupuncture Can Help

Anxious? Acupuncture Can Help
Do you have anxiety? Acupuncture can provide relief, it takes the connection between the body and mind into consideration. Chinese medicine is practiced with the belief that imbalances in the body can cause anger, fear, sadness, joy and worry, these emotions can cause harm to the body over time. Acupuncture has the potential to affect serotonin a chemical in the brain, which affects a person’s emotional state. Acupuncture serves to balance the body and the mind through a deep state of relaxation, relieving feelings of anxiety.
Acupuncture serves to balance the body and the mind through a deep state of relaxation.
On the blog Life Ain’t for Sissiesmy mom (a clinical psychologist) did a 3 part series on anxiety, here is part 1.
~In the last 10 years, I have seen an increase in the numbers of people (and the severity of their problems) with anxiety.  The statistics vary greatly and place anxiety disorders at between 19-40 million American adults. Anxiety can range from the expectable, will-end-soon apprehension about a test, a job interview, or medical test, to the very miserable, endless feeling of doom and dread that has no particular cause, to unexpected panic.  At its worst, anxiety affects your health and limits your lifestyle. If you have anxiety, you are certainly not alone.
There are different types of anxiety.  In psychology, we categorize anxiety problems by the symptoms.  We don’t categorize in order to label or pigeon-hole people, but so that we can figure out specific ways of treating the problem. Here are the main types that I see.

 Types of Anxiety

1. Generalized Anxiety – Anxiety can be free-floating, that is, ever present on some level, but not always high.
2. Panic Disorder – Anxiety becomes panic attacks that leave people afraid of the next attack and of losing control.
3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – Anxiety is shown as intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, worry, or apprehension.
4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Veterans and other who experience violent personal assaults such as war, rape, mugging, or domestic violence; terrorism; natural or human-caused disasters; and accidents experience this severe form of anxiety with a variety of symptoms.
5. Phobias (social phobia, agoraphobia, and specific phobia) – Anxiety is a fear of a specific object (snake) or situation (crowds, heights).
*In other posts, I will try to describe specific features and some ways of managing the different problems.
Jennifer Dubowsky, LAc, is a licensed acupuncturist with a practice in downtown Chicago, Illinois, since 2002. Dubowsky earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from University of Illinois in Chicago and her Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado. During her studies, she completed an internship at the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital in Beijing, China. Dubowsky has researched and written articles on Chinese medicine and has given talks on the topic. She maintains a popular blog about health and Chinese medicine at Acupuncture Blog Chicago. Adventures in Chinese Medicine is her first book. You can find her at
Jennifer Dubowsky
Jennifer Dubowsky
Jennifer Dubowsky is a licensed acupuncturist with a practice in downtown Chicago, Illinois, since 2002. Jennifer maintains a popular blog about health and Chinese Medicine and In 2013, Jennifer released her first book, Adventures in Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture, Herbs and Ancient Ideas for Today.
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