Album Review: Petrof Piano Trio – ‘Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Mendelssohn’

Here is fine playing by a distinguished trio from the Czech Republic in a programme of contrasts from the famous Beethoven ‘Ghost Trio’ to the rarely performed Tchaikovsky Piano Trio.
Album Review: Petrof Piano Trio – ‘Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Mendelssohn’
The cover of the album 'Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Mendelssohn,' by Petrof Piano Trio. (Nimbus)

Here is fine playing by a distinguished trio from the Czech Republic in a programme of contrasts from the famous Beethoven ‘Ghost Trio’ to the rarely performed Tchaikovsky Piano Trio.

The Petrofs show excellent rapport: for example, listen to their hushed, sensitive playing of the famous ‘Ghost Largo’ which gave rise to the title.

In contrast, the much larger scale Tchaikovsky makes technical demands, which they achieve with panache: try the 12 variations.

As a bonus they play three of Mendelssohn’s ‘Songs Without Words’ very sensitively in a delightful arrangement for piano trio.

A lovely album for a winter’s evening at home.

‘Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Mendelssohn’
Petrof Piano Trio

4/5 stars out of 5

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