Album Review: Jill Crossland Plays Mozart, Beethoven and Bach-Busoni

Album Review: Jill Crossland Plays Mozart, Beethoven and Bach-Busoni
Jill Crossland plays Mozart, Beethoven and Bach-Busoni (Divine Art)

Crossland is one of a small group of younger pianists to make their mark in Europe and the USA. Her interpretations reflect deep thought and superb technique. She never imposes herself on the composers’ intention. Listen to the Moonlight Sonata – she conveys movingly the sense of loss in the adajio, reflection in the allegretto and uninhibited power in the storm of the finale, one of the most demanding in the repertoire. Her playing of the other three works is also excellent, conveying real sensitivity to the mood of each Bagatelle, the joy of the Chorale preludes (so loved by choristers), and the underlying depth in the Fantasia and Variations.

4.5 stars out of 5