Abandoned Dog in Crate With Bag of Food Found on a Road, Michigan Woman Says, Finds New Home

Abandoned Dog in Crate With Bag of Food Found on a Road, Michigan Woman Says, Finds New Home
Courtesy of Lindsey Keller via Caroline Mallie-Campbell
Jenni Julander
This story was last updated in December 2020.

A dog that was abandoned on a dead-end road in Michigan, left helpless inside his kennel beside a bag of food, was fortunate to have been found.

A woman happened upon the heartbreaking scene, took pictures of the abandoned animal, and posted about him on Facebook.

“This dog was left on a dead end road in Kalamazoo today like this,” Lindsey Keller wrote on Nov. 10. “If you know anyone that can help, he is currently with a friend.

“He is unaltered and young (1-2). He met her dogs through the cage and was fine, but that is all I know. I told her I would reach out. She can only keep him through the night.”

(Courtesy of Lindsey Keller via <a href="https://www.facebook.com/caroline.malliecampbell">Caroline Mallie-Campbell</a>)
Courtesy of Lindsey Keller via Caroline Mallie-Campbell

She stressed that she didn’t want to see hateful comments about the dog’s previous owner; after all, times are tough this year, and it was unclear what circumstances led to the dog’s abandonment.

“Please no bashing,” she said. “His family apparently thought that this was better then the pound and we do not know their circumstances. We are just looking to find placement for the poor dog with someone who can help get him neutered and keep him safe.”

The owners appeared to wish that the dog would be well cared for. They left him with a blanket and a bag of dog food, and he appeared well fed.

Lindsey’s appeal caught the attention of the internet and was shared over 7,000 times.

Before long, he was picked up by dog foster mom Caroline Mallie-Campbell, who told The Epoch Times that she’s fostered nearly 50 dogs in 2020.

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/caroline.malliecampbell">Caroline Mallie-Campbell</a>)

“I’ve fostered 49 dogs this year alone,” she said. “It is one of the most rewarding things I do.”

On Nov. 12, she posted an update on Facebook.

“He is safe and in foster with Kalamazoo Animal Rescue,” she wrote. “He has to complete a 7 day stay hold before being adopted. From dumped on the side of road to my house. Last pic is at his new foster home.”

Caroline shared a few lively pictures of the friendly dog “smiling” at the camera and videos of him playing with other foster dogs.

She added that she only ended up hosting the sweet boy for a few hours before he was taken in by the animal rescue.

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/caroline.malliecampbell">Caroline Mallie-Campbell</a>)

“I only had the dog for a few hours,” she said. “Kalamazoo Animal Rescue accepted him so he didn’t have to do a 7 day hold at KCASE. He went straight to foster.”

As of Nov. 30, the dog—who came to be called Dewey—had found his forever home, which he shares with his new “fur sister.” Kalamazoo rescue shared an update of Dewey’s new situation on their Facebook page, and they captioned:
“They are prepared to continue building his confidence with men, provide plenty of exercise (he needs it) and work on his basic commands and manners. Plus, he is crazy about his new sister, Abby!
“Go be great Dewey, you deserve it!” Share your stories with us at [email protected], and continue to get your daily dose of inspiration by signing up for the Epoch Inspired Newsletter here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/newsletter
Jenni Julander
Jenni Julander
Jenni Julander is a writer based in the Rocky Mountains, where she received her writing education. She covers human interest and trending news for The Epoch Times.
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