Camellia: Driveway Diary, Installment the First

Since my Facebook friends tell me they like my many nature pictures, I thought I'd transfer that photographer, gardener, nature lover, urban farmer energy to my blog here.
Camellia:  Driveway Diary, Installment the First
<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-355110" title="Yuletide Camellias, mysteriously, do not bloom at Christmas. (Mary Silver/The Epoch Times)" src="" alt="Yuletide Camellias, mysteriously, do not bloom at Christmas. (Mary Silver/The Epoch Times)" width="590" height="393"/></a>
Yuletide Camellias, mysteriously, do not bloom at Christmas. (Mary Silver/The Epoch Times)

ATLANTA—Since my friends tell me they like my nature pictures on Facebook, I thought I'd move some of that energy over here.  So here come daffodils, hovering hawks, lichens, dogs, violets, fungi, clouds, people, fish, and if I’m lucky, another ruby skink.  I’m hunting for you, o iridescent, jewel-like amphibian.

Got a lot going on with camellias.  Maybe it’s homage to La Traviata, the memorable first opera I ever saw.

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<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-355056" title="Yuletide Camellias, mysteriously, do not bloom at Christmas. (Mary Silver/The Epoch Times)" src="" alt="Yuletide Camellias, mysteriously, do not bloom at Christmas. (Mary Silver/The Epoch Times)" width="590" height="393"/></a>
Yuletide Camellias, mysteriously, do not bloom at Christmas. (Mary Silver/The Epoch Times)

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