9 Tips to Dress up Your Kitchen

9 Tips to Dress up Your Kitchen
Don't be afraid to display a minimalist kitchen look. (Dreamstime/TNS)
Tribune News Service

By Cathy Hobbs From Tribune News Service

When it comes to entertaining, the host often dresses up a dining table to enhance food pairing or to create a decorative tablescape. But why not dress up your kitchen and even casual dining areas year-round?

If you are looking to showcase decorative elements in your home in a creative way, here are some tips.

1. Select some of your favorite things. There is no reason you can’t decorate with items you love—just be sure not to overdo it. In many cases, less is more.

2. Look for both color and texture. These elements can often serve as your creative guide.

3. Transition your decor. Experiment with rotating your decor depending on the season or occasion.

4. Use black or white. White is a wonderful foundation color, while black adds a sense of glam and elegance.

5. Stay away from trendy pieces. It is better to chose pieces that will stand the test of time.

6. Add reflective surfaces such as mirrors. These elements can really glam up your table.

7. Try using real or dried fruits as decor elements. They not only add color, but they are relatively inexpensive.

8. Look for interesting bowls and vessels to display your decor.

9. Don’t be afraid to display a minimalist look. Oftentimes single items displayed well can have an impact.

Cathy Hobbs, based in New York City, is an Emmy Award-winning television host and a nationally known interior design home staging expert and short-term rental/vacation home designer with offices in New York City and The Hudson Valley. Contact her at [email protected] or visit her website at cathyhobbs.com. Copyright 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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