5 Workplace Resolutions for 2013

Talking about resolutions is one thing but going out there and making it happen is another. Make 2013 the best year ever. Your career will thank you for it.
5 Workplace Resolutions for 2013
"A goal isn’t real if you don’t come up with a plan to achieve it." (Mychele Daniau/AFP/Getty Images)
Song Woo
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“My, how time flies when you’re having fun!” That is one cliché that rings true every time. 2012 has come and gone in a flash. Aren’t we all glad that the Mayan prediction for the end of the world on December 20th didn’t come true? Now that we’re safely passed that hurdle we can optimistically look forward into 2013.

After the holiday season ends a new season begins, something I like to jokingly call the “resolution season”. I think most of us fall into it. It’s hard to avoid. Almost everyone I bump into will talk about changes they are going to make for the better in the coming year as well as asking me about what my resolutions are. It’s a fun game we all play, but how many of us are serious about “New Year’s Resolutions”?

Well, if you’re really serious this time around about making changes, here are five career and workplace resolutions you should make immediately to improve productivity and enhance your career:

1. Get off the internet! The internet is hard to avoid. People like to shop online, pay their bills online, trade stocks, etc. The list goes on. However, when you’re doing all of this at work, I would say it’s a bit disrespectful to your employer. Keep in mind, you are there to be productive and do your work. You are not paid to surf the net for personal use. You‘ll be amazed how much more productive you’ll be without this distraction.

2. Fill in possible skills gaps and improve work skills. Make an assessment on where you think you fall short or need improvement on. A mentor of mine once told me, if you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse. That has always motivated me to continue to improve and evolve. Make a commitment to constantly improve. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a class, going to a seminar, or some other form of training, arm yourself with more knowledge.

3. Surround yourself with positivity. My mom always told me that “good” breeds “good” and “bad” breeds “bad”. Basically, she wanted me to spend more time with people who brought out the best in me. The same rings true at work. Minimize the time you are with coworkers who are constantly complaining and negative. Work is hard enough as it is, you don’t need a negative aura around you. Instead, collaborate more if possible, with colleagues who are doing well. Get insight and/or advice from top producers.

4. Improve your appearance. Appearance is very subjective and it’s a subtle thing, but for me, when I look good, I feel good. When you feel good, you can’t help but let it flow into your work and all other aspects of life. You don’t have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. You don’t have to do anything drastic. Wear attire that’s pressed and neat. Pay a little more attention to your personal grooming.

5. Set a goal. What do you want to accomplish this year? Pick at least one thing that is most important to you and make that your goal. Don’t just nonchalantly let it stew in your head. Formalize it with yourself. Write it down, post it in your cubicle or in your office. Draw out the necessary steps for you to achieve the result you want. A goal isn’t real if you don’t come up with a plan to achieve it.

Talking about resolutions is one thing but going out there and making it happen is another. Make 2013 the best year ever. Your career will thank you for it. Happy New Year!

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Song Woo, President and CEO of Lighthouse Management Group is an award winning staffing & recruiting industry executive and employment expert. Featured in both print and electronic media for expertise in employment trends and career management. Recently honored in the San Jose Business Journal’s “40 under 40” list of 40 high performing executives under the age of 40 to watch and tabbed as a "Rising Star". In addition, Lighthouse Management Group has also been honored as the #1 Fastest Growing Private Company in Silicon Valley.
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