10 great ideas for DIY bookshelves, #3 will have you wondering!

10 great ideas for DIY bookshelves, #3 will have you wondering!

Do you face the problem of having too many books with no place to put them? There are many cheap and original ways to make your own bookshelf from the materials at hand!

Having a lot of books at home makes you appear like an intellectual immediately, especially in this day and age, when people search for information via the internet. However, keeping real books in the house is original and adds a special vibe to the interior. Yet, your passion for reading has left you with a ton of books but nowhere to store them. A mound of books lying on the floor certainly won’t boost your intellectual image much.

At no great cost, you can make your own bookshelf, which will for sure make your room even more interesting. Making your own bookshelf has another advantage—you can design it according to your personality, which will certainly impress your friends.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at 10 DIY (do-it-yourself) bookshelves.

1. Your ladder can serve another purpose that you didn’t think of!

Just place a few wooden planks through the legs of the ladder to create shelves. Now that’s creative!

2. Defying gravity

Visitors to your house will need to solve a painfully apparent riddle—how are those books just floating there? Simple! Affix what’s known as a Flybrary floating bookshelf to obtain this effect.
©<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Umbra-Conceal-Floating-Bookshelf-Silver/dp/B000UO4KXY">Amazon</a><span style="font-size: 16px;"> </span><span style="font-size: 16px;"> </span><span style="font-size: 16px;"> </span>
©<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Umbra-Conceal-Floating-Bookshelf-Silver/dp/B000UO4KXY">Amazon</a>

3. Simple and elegant

This is as easy as assembling something you get from IKEA. This bookshelf will satisfy your aesthetic needs and won’t take much time and effort to make.
©Flickr | <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/66755335@N05/14941588397">Rope Shelves</a>
©Flickr | Rope Shelves

4. It couldn’t be easier!

If you are looking for an easy project that requires almost no work, then look no further. With some wooden boxes and a few office binder clips, this bookshelf is yours!

5. Retro

This project is for those with an interest in all things retro. Just find yourself an old TV without the interior and file your books inside. Finally, the TV is displaying something worthwhile!
©Flickr | <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/38102495@N00/2249512576">Jason Eppink</a>
©Flickr | Jason Eppink

6. Ladder - second approach

Here is another original use of the ladder, which will certainly surprise your guests.

7. First-class recycling

Do you have an unused cable reel that you don’t know what to do with? If so, then you are lucky, because now you can make one of the most elegant bookshelves on this list!

8. Even a dresser can become a bookshelf

This dresser obviously envied the bookshelf and wanted to hold books too. You can help your dresser hold books too by adding spice racks, where it can shelf books.

9. Industrial

There is always a new way of using old things. Pipes? Or bookshelves? It depends on how you perceive it.

10. Recycling at its best

We have another recycling project. Decorate some used wine crates, which you can then use as a bookshelf. Which project is better—this one or number #7? You decide.
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