Top 10 Ingredients to Avoid in Food

Top 10 Ingredients to Avoid in Food
Derek Henry
By Derek Henry, Holistic Health Coach for Healing the Body 
Remember when mom made food fresh every day with nothing but wholesome ingredients? You never had to read labels or learn how to pronounce words, because they were not made in a laboratory. Well, at least we have the memories. Now we have these ingredients to avoid.

Main Ingredients to Avoid

A lot of the nasty ingredients found in processed foods has to do with preserving shelf life, ‘improving’ taste, and coming up with alternatives that are patentable (and therefore profitable). Anything to help increase company’s margins is the bottom line, even if it’s at the expense of your health.

We can also blame subsidies on certain commodities such as corn which resulted in over production and having to create new and innovative ways to utilize them.

At any rate, I present to you ingredients you should rarely if ever consume. Some of these ingredient frauds will be all too familiar but bear repeating as their persistent presence in food still illustrates that we have not stopped consuming these types of products. Choosing to not consume them is your vote for healthier alternatives.

1. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) – Found in nearly all processed food ingredients, it is mostly consumed through fruit juices, sodas, and sweet snacks. Its been referred to as poison that causes obesity and liver damage. It is completely unnatural, goes through a terrible process that leaves it riddled with heavy metals, and spikes sugar levels out of control.
High Fructose Corn Syrup is mostly consumed through fruit juices, sodas, and sweet snacks. (Tim Boyle/Getty Images)
High Fructose Corn Syrup is mostly consumed through fruit juices, sodas, and sweet snacks. Tim Boyle/Getty Images
2. MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)– Commonly disguised and used as a “flavor enhancer” in a wide variety of foods, it is commonly referred to or hidden in autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, smoke flavor, spices, and a number of other ingredients. It is a neurotoxin and should be avoided at all costs.
3. Aspartame (Artificial Sweeteners) – Made famous in diet sodas, this chemical sweetener is so deadly it should be considered poison. When broken down it has been said to turn into other “ingredients” such as formaldehyde and wood alcohol. Any sweetener that claims it is calorie free, aside from stevia, should never touch the human tongue. Commonly found in fat free product ingredients. Other artificial sweeteners include sucralose, Splenda, Sweet N' Low, and AminoSweet.
4. Hydrogenated Oils (Trans Fats) – Found in a variety of snack foods and prepared foods, this ingredient comes to pass through extensive processing until it becomes 1 molecule removed from plastic (think margarine). It is extremely damaging to your cardiovascular system and needs to be cut out completely. Often found in cracker and cookie ingredients.
(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
5. Soy Protein Isolate – Found in everything from protein bars to protein shakes, this highly undigestible, hormone disrupting, and GM (genetically modified) food is a nightmare and soy should only ever be considered in an organic, non-GMO, and fermented state.
6. Sodium Nitrite – Most often found in deli meats and hot dogs, this preservative and coloring agent is carcinogenic and a deadly toxin. Watch for it primarily in pork product ingredients.
7. White processed sugar – The one ingredient that plagues society. It is the best form of food for cancer, and wreaks havoc with blood sugar levels and candida sufferers, which leads to a wide variety of ailments.
8. Enriched flour – Ironically, enriched flour really means its been stripped of all nutrients and a couple have been added back in to “enrich” it. It has a similar effect to white processed sugar in the body, with the added complication of gluten. A mainstay in the ingredients of breads and cereals.
Enriched flour is a mainstay in the ingredients of breads and cereals. (Tim Boyle/Getty Images)
Enriched flour is a mainstay in the ingredients of breads and cereals. Tim Boyle/Getty Images
9. GM (Genetically Modified) Foods – GMO’s are NOT listed in food ingredients (due to recent successful lobbying by those companies who use them and did not want them labelled for consumers), but if you see corn, soy, or canola that are NOT listed as organic and non-GMO in the ingredients or on the package, they are GMO. This results in more adverse health effects, many of which are not yet fully known. Find out more here.
10. Maltodextrin – Rates highest on the glycemic scale out of all the sugars at 150 (HFCS is 87 in comparison). It’s often used as a “filler” ingredient in many products, and can be found in nearly everything from soups to seasoning ingredients.

Derek Henry
Derek Henry
Derek Henry, founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. To date, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.
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