This Lady’s Tale of Recovery Will Inspire You


Barbara was a lupus patient for over 10 years. Due to being constantly sick, fatigued, and pained, she was barely able to work in her 20s, and eventually filed for disability. Suicide occurred to her many times.

To deal with the depression, Barbara started seeing a psychologist, but was soon diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis as well.

“I began to think that my life was soon coming to an end… I just really wanted to understand why I was here. What’s the purpose of my life? Why did I get sick?”

On Feb. 6, 2000, she found a pamphlet at her local library. It was the turning point of her life. The three Chinese characters printed on the pamphlet would change her forever. They are the principles of a Chinese spiritual movement known as Falun Dafa.

As soon as she started reading Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, she suddenly understood why everything happened to her and found inner peace.

She didn’t expect her illness to be healed, but it happened. After Barbara started practicing the Falun Dafa exercises, within 3 months her body felt light and comfortable, and she was able to do anything she wanted.

Barbara was miraculously healed without medication. She saw her internist and rheumatologist, and they confirmed that her body was completely normal.

“Honestly, the best thing wasn’t finally being physically able to get a job, or being able to sleep normally again, or even having the capability of doing simple things like stand in line at the grocery store without hurting. The most amazing part was truly how I felt inside.”

Katherine Lee
Katherine Lee