Sleeping Like a Baby Could Prevent Stress and Chronic Diseases

Sleeping Like a Baby Could Prevent Stress and Chronic Diseases

An ongoing lack of quality sleep puts you at an increased risk for chronic conditions such as heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

When you fail to get the proper amount of rest, your daytime functioning is also impacted, which may result in slower reaction time and needing to take naps in the middle of the day.


A comfortable, deep sleep improves your immune system, and helps to repair your heart and blood vessels.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, The Better Sleep Council and the National Sleep Foundation offer a few tips for getting a better night’s sleep:

Buy a New Mattress

If you are tossing and turning all night or waking up feeling stiff and sore, you might need a new mattress. The Better Sleep Council says your body appreciates a comfortable, supportive mattress.

“Research shows that people sleep better, suffer less back pain and experience fewer symptoms of stress when sleeping on newer beds,” it states on its website.

Mattresses are made of a variety of materials and technologies and there is no right one for everyone. 

Common types to consider besides a spring mattress are foam or gel mattresses, a waterbed, or an adjustable foundation that allows couples to have different sleep conditions.

Less common types to consider are an organic mattress or the airweave air fiber mattress used by some Olympic athletes. It instantly adjusts to your body’s natural movement.

Airweave mattress (Kevin Yu/NTD Television)
Airweave mattress (Kevin Yu/NTD Television)

Go to Bed at the Same Time Every Night

Do you go to bed at different times during the week and sleep a different number of hours from one night to the next? This irregular sleeping pattern may be causing you to feel more tired, which may be why you have to sleep in on the weekends just to catch up.

Try going to bed and getting up at the same time every day—even on the weekends. Not only will you regulate your biological clock, but you may also fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

Start a Bedtime Ritual

One way to synchronize your body is to do the same thing every night before going to bed. Develop a habit of performing some type of relaxing routine, such as meditation or reading a book, just before bedtime.


A winding down activity, reduces stress that may have been caused by daytime activities and puts your body and mind into sleep mode.

Maintain a Comfortable Sleep Environment

It’s difficult enough to fall asleep on an uncomfortable mattress, but after you’ve invested in a nice, new mattress you still might have trouble falling asleep if your sleeping environment is not up to par.

Woman trying to sleep (Shutterstock*)
Woman trying to sleep (Shutterstock*)

Make sure the temperature in the room is suitable to your needs for falling asleep. Turn the TV and lights off. A dark room signifies it’s time to go to sleep. Eliminate any noises or distractions that could disturb you and make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Try using blackout shades, eye masks, or ear plugs to keep the room dark or block out ambient noises.

Avoid Naps During the Day

If you think getting in a little cat nap during the day will help you catch up on some lost sleep, think again.

Taking naps can actually be counterproductive. While you may feel refreshed in the afternoon, you might end up regretting it at night when you have trouble falling asleep.


If you find that you are trying to sneak a nap in everyday, you might not be getting the deep, restful sleep you need—even if you go to bed the same time every night.

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