Radio Producer Says Shen Yun, ‘All Around Good Experience’

Apr 25, 2018
Radio Producer Says Shen Yun, ‘All Around Good Experience’
Fernandez and Amelia Schiandarelli found the Shen Yun evening performance at The Soraya (formerly Valley Performing Arts Center) in Northridge, Calif., on April 24, 2018, very entertaining. (Michael Ye/The Epoch Times)

“I like it [Shen Yun]. I think it’s very interesting. The coordination and the choreography is very good. The dancers are very well timed and they perform very well—so it’s entertaining.”

“The production is good. I like the orchestra, and I like the effect between the screen in the back, and people jumping from the screen and turning into real life—I think that’s neat.”

“It’s [Shen Yun is] entertaining. It’s like totally different to what we’re used to, so here you say it’s a different conception of everything basically. It’s a different perspective, of a story about the history and what’s going on.”

“The visual effects—I like it very much. The backdrop screen and turning into a real life performance is very well-organized—synchronized, so they show up from the specific right area or place exactly, so it’s very good.”

“I was more entertained with the history and the story they were trying to tell us, and the dancers, and the costumes.”

“I think it’s very entertaining. … All around good experience.”

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