Secrets of Korean Medicine Part 1: Curing the Incurable

Secrets of Korean Medicine Part 1: Curing the Incurable
Pyunkang-Hwan is made with top quality medicinal herbs and distilled water. Courtesy of Dr. Seo

This series is an invitation for you to think about healing and disease in a radically different way—and to understand how it is possible to completely and naturally cure conditions like eczema (atopic), asthma, allergies (rhinitis), and many more. I hope that what you read here will change what you conceive of as possible for your health and give you the chance to truly thrive as I have seen happen with so many patients.

To begin, I'd like to explain why I believe so deeply in what I do and why there is a need to change the way we view disease. It started with my own chronic tonsillitis. When I was young, I often had swollen tonsils and once swollen, I would be struck down by high fevers, headaches, and earaches. When my condition got really bad, I was not able to swallow. I received treatment at a number of hospitals and tried several well-known drugs, but never saw significant improvement.

In Western medicine, the tonsils are not considered vital to the body and removal is common as a way to prevent future infections. But something inside me hesitated to take this step and when I entered the College of Oriental Medicine at Kyung Hee University in Seoul in 1966, I began searching through book after book for treatments. For years I chased around an endless circle of ideas about cures without any clear answers.

After graduation, I opened my own Korean medicine practice but felt ashamed. Here I was a legitimate doctor of Korean medicine, but I had to visit a Western doctor for my own health problems. This shame fueled my desire to find a cure, and out of pure desperation I spent late nights researching, telling myself that I would have no regrets when I died if I could only find a treatment. After nearly 10 years of trial and error, I came up with the herbal formula that I now call Pyunkang-Hwan. This formula reduced the inflammation in my tonsils, greatly improved my immunity, and at one moment in 1972, I realized that I had been cured. I began offering the formula to my patients and as the number of successful cases piled up, I made Pyungkang-Hwan public. In 2006, the formula passed a toxicology analysis by an FDA-certified institution and was confirmed as safe.

Over the past 42 years, I have seen more than 155,000 patients cured with this formula and certain systematic healing protocols.

Medicine That Makes You Healthy

In Oriental medicine, the human body is considered to have all the elements of the universe. So the starting point of Oriental doctors is that while the body is mysterious, it is also regulated by profoundly logical principles. Oriental doctors make different causal connections than Western doctors, so complex chronic conditions often have traceable causes and can be healed.

Although modern medicine has undeniably made extensive contributions toward the treatment of disease, it is only just developing the field of functional medicine, and by and large is not well equipped to help patients overcome chronic conditions.

For example, let’s look at patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, and atopic allergies. Blood pressure, diabetes, and atopic medications act definitively, accurately, and promptly to lower the blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and stop asthma attacks.

However, while these synthetic drugs are good at alleviating specific symptoms, they never fully cure the disease.

Once you start them, in the majority of cases, you have to take these drugs for the rest of your life. After about 10 years, you will be taking multiple drugs at a time because their results have become less effective and your illness has been aggravated because it’s root cause has not been addressed. As this cycle continues, your body will become extremely fatigued. The continuation of such a state will markedly degrade your enjoyment of life and your will to live.

That patients are gradually and incrementally led toward death from the toxicity of chemical drugs is an undeniable aspect of modern medicine that we cannot afford to ignore.