Quickie Workout (Video)


This quickie is super fun and effective, but it is slightly detail oriented–so you‘ll need to read through/listen to the instructions with a bit of extra focus. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll LOVE what this quickie can do for your chin-up strength while simultaneoulsy promoting fat loss.

All you need is a chin-up bar (and possibly a band for assistance) and one kettlebell. We'll be doing “max” chin-ups followed by 20 hand-to-hand KB swings.

By max chin-ups, I mean the amount you can do relatively effortlessly, so you don’t want to crank out any ugly reps. Instead, you'll want to stop when you think maybe you’ve got 1 more rep in you. If you’re using a band, it’s the same concept, but you'll be using the least amount of resistance you can. It doesn’t matter if your chin-ups are assisted or unassisted, you’re going to get a lot of practice with the movement during this workout.

On each subsequent set, reduce your chin-ups by 1 rep and your swings by 2. Set a timer for as much time as you’ve got to spare, and keep going for up to 10 total sets.

*Neghar Fonooni, fitness & lifestyle coach, entrepreneur *Founder: Eat, Lift, & be Happy negharfonooni.com 

*Image of “pull ups“ via Shutterstock


Neghar Fonooni
Neghar Fonooni
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