Procrastination Quiz: Don’t Put It Off

Procrastination Quiz: Don’t Put It Off


Are you a procrastinator? Take a few moments to complete this self-test, which explores your level of procrastination. The key to this little inventory is to be honest with yourself.

Jot your scores down on a piece of paper. When reading through the states and questions, focus on the first or immediate feeling you get when reading the question. Feelings do not lie and will reflect how you feel about what you are reading. The goal is to keep your mind focused on your present feeling, not how you felt about something in the past or how you are hoping to feel in the future. 

Procrastination Test 

1. I find it difficult to start new tasks or projects. Most times it takes a lot to get me started, as I put it off. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

2. I always wait until the last minute to get things done and sometimes finish late. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

3. I find myself sometimes compromising the quality of my work, but I don’t care as long as it gets done. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

4. I often find myself compromising the quality of the work I do, and if it isn’t my best, so be it. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

5. I would rather do something, even if it is hurried and sloppy, rather than nothing. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

6. I usually need to be asked or told to do something even though I know that it needs to be done. I won’t take the initiative. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

7. I always leave things, hoping or knowing that someone else will do them so I won’t have to. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

8. If I don’t do something that other people are relying on me to do, I’m not going to lose sleep over it. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

9. I am always saying that I am going to change and do things differently, but I find myself in the same state I have always been in. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

10. I have a bad habit that I know I need to stop. In fact, other people have pointed it out to me, but I still do it. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

11. I have an addiction(s) and I know I need outside help, which I say I am going to get, but I never do. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

12. I let other people do my work for me. I have no shame in their doing it for me, and I do not return the favor. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

13. I believe that life is too short to have any stress, so I avoid any and all stressful things. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

14. When things do not get done, I blame others, especially when I am involved. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

15. I always tend to look for the shortcuts when it comes to completing tasks or anything for that matter. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

16. I constantly use and believe in the statement that starts with “someday. ...” 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

17. I believe that life is all about fate and I wait for things to happen or come into my life. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

18. My house is usually messy, things are in piles, my car is a mess, and so on. I know things need to be cleaned, but I keep putting it off. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

19. When I have things to do that I do not like doing, I find diversions or distractions so I won’t have to do them. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 

20. I always wait until certain times in the year such as New Year’s Day or spring to make the major changes in my life that need to be made. 

0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 3 = Often, 5 = Almost always 


100: A definite procrastinator, you have the habit of having a habit and this habit is procrastination. In fact, you probably are most likely to be one who actually procrastinates about needing to stop and change the procrastination that consumes your life.

80–99: Something gets done because you have to do it. You are always waiting on someone else to motivate you or get your proverbial ball rolling. When you are stagnant, it is difficult to get momentum and shift action into a gear that produces results, as you are literally waiting for someone else to press your gas pedal while you steer.

50–79: You do it half-heartedly. If you scored in this category, then you are basically going through the motions to get things done. This is oftentimes a by-product of losing interest in something, or can be a result from feeling burned out or tired.

20–49: You like to work with some pressure. 

Individuals who scored in this area most likely want to complete something for “extrinsic motivational” reasons. But in some situations, they will engage in getting something completed out of a sense of pride or self-respect that then makes it an “intrinsic motivational” reason. 

When it comes to their procrastination, there is never true balancing in terms of what motivates them. Rather, it depends on their mood.

0–19: You are about achieving goals. You are almost always driven by intrinsic motivation—doing things for yourself.



Disclaimer: This is in no way designed to diagnose, classify, or treat mental health problems or addictions. You should always consult with a licensed or trained professional when seeking an actual diagnosis or assessment. 

Dr. Peter Sacco has been working with individuals in private practice and support groups since 1995. He specializes in anger-management classes, overcoming addictions, individual coaching, and counseling. He teaches courses in addiction studies, police studies, criminal psychology, and education at universities and colleges in the United States and Canada.


Image of procrastination via Shutterstock

Peter Andrew Sacco
Peter Andrew Sacco
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