Mother Makes Son Clean Yards for Free as Punishment

Mother Makes Son Clean Yards for Free as Punishment
Bowen Xiao

A mother in Shreveport, Louisiana, is making headlines for her unique method of disciplining her child—and it’s getting wide praise from residents.

Demetris Payne went on social media after she found out her son Jadarien had been suspended from school for three days. According to CBS affiliate KSLA, she offered his services in a Facebook group called “South Bossier Online Yard Sale.”

“My son has been suspended for three days from school for discipline. He will do your lawn service, he will rake your yard, mow if you supply the mower, pick up trash, or wash your car for free. Maximum three hours. If anyone has a rake they would like to donate will be awesome,” Payne wrote in the group, which she later reposted on her own page.

The mother said that since she posted the free service advertisement, she was inundated with responses.

So many, in fact, that she had to make a schedule to keep track of them.

“He’s booked up for this weekend, so it'll be next weekend. I got so many requests from buy, sell, and trade that I have to make a schedule,” she wrote in the comments section of her post.

After he had done his first yard, Payne posted photos on Facebook of Jadarien working. “He thought I was playing” she said in the Nov. 10 post.

Comments soon came in praising the mother for her constructive form of discipline.

“Such a valuable lesson for this young man and the parents are the school’s dream,” wrote one Facebook user.

“You are AWESOME momma! America needs more parents like this. So glad that his suspension was spent doing community service and teaching a lesson as opposed to a 3-day vacation,” wrote another.

Payne said she had over 500 people reach out to her with words of encouragement, and more were coming in.

“WOW!!! This has truly been a day to remember,” she wrote.“God is so amazing.”

On Tuesday, Nov. 14, Payne announced in a Facebook post that her son had returned to school.

She said he met up with all of his teachers and set up a plan to help him stay on track.

Payne told KSLA that if he hasn’t learned his lesson, she has a plan.

“Instead of two yards a day, he is going to be out there until dark doing it,” Payne told KSLA.
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Bowen Xiao was a New York-based reporter at The Epoch Times. He covers national security, human trafficking and U.S. politics.