Labor Day Picnic: Healthy Potato Salad

Labor Day Picnic: Healthy Potato Salad
Derek Henry

By Derek Henry, Holistic Health Coach for Healing the Body 

Nothing beats a good potato salad at a summer barbecue, but unfortunately they are usually laden with a mayonnaise that contains soy, sugar, vinegar, and other health destroying ingredients. However, when you combine a good red potato and a mayonnaise that eliminates all the bad and inserts a lot of good, you get yourself a healthy potato salad recipe that leaves no compromise in the taste department.


The purpose of this healthy potato salad recipe is to turn a traditional favourite into a healthy one, so we can still enjoy the taste but without the gastrointestinal upset. Using red potatoes, and a mayonnaise that incorporates olive oil and apple cider vinegar, we can eliminate a lot of those issues and actually improve the digestion of your meal.

This is a win-win for potato salad lovers everywhere.

Equipment Required

  • Sharp knife
  • Large pot


  • 2 lbs small red potatoes
  • 3/4 cup homemade mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup sweet red onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup dill or parsley, minced
  • Sea salt (to taste)
  • Ground black pepper (to taste)


  • Cut potatoes into bite sized pieces
  • Throw in pot and cover with water
  • Boil until tender
  • Cool down to room temperature or lower
  • Add other ingredients, mix, and store in fridge for hour or more for optimal taste


  • Enjoy as part of your Labor Day lunch or dinner, or even on its own as a light meal.
Derek Henry
Derek Henry
Derek Henry, founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Academy, used nutrition, supplementation, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn't help him resolve. To date, he has helped his THRIVE Academy participants heal over 20 different chronic disease conditions, primarily related to digestive and autoimmune concerns.
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