Infographic Seeks to Bring Awareness to Male Reproductive Organ Cancer

Infographic Seeks to Bring Awareness to Male Reproductive Organ Cancer
Linda Moore

The lack of public awareness programs informing men of the risks of male reproductive organ cancer has inspired Male Enhancement to publish an infographic depicting the little known dangers. Ignoring the risks of male reproductive cancer could be fatal. The pictorial infographic is geared towards the male reproductive anatomy in an easy to understand format that brings these dangers to light. Most men are not aware that they should be checking the rigging regularly.

This type of cancer affects both men and women equally but the danger to men is far less publicized. Male reproductive organ cancer is a serious matter but when most men hear about a penis check, they wait for the punch line. Your penis, prostate and testes should be attentively monitored and maintained, especially as you get older. Neglecting to do so could result in serious pain, discomfort and possibly death. Your penis is the barometer of your blood flow. In much the same way as the motor in a vehicle, a man’s body requires ample circulation. As the vehicle and the body age, you have to check the dipstick more often.

Portrayed in the infographic is the importance of being aware of your internal mechanisms of reproduction and how to quantify their performance. As far as penile cancer in the United States goes, only about one in 100,000 or 1% of men suffer from the disease, but it could happen to you. Prostate cancer sufferers, however, are proportionally higher in number. One in six men contract the disease and one in thirty-six will die from prostate cancer each year in the United States.

The good news is that when diagnosed in time, 2.5 million or more men survive prostate cancer annually in America. The prostate is an important part of the reproductive system. It is a gland that surrounds the urethra and when healthy is the size of a walnut, as the infographic illustrates. The prostate is located directly below the bladder, right in front of the rectum.

In men, penile cancer and testicular cancer are equally prevalent. However, 85% of men in the country have never checked their testicles for cancer and both (penis and testes) should be checked for small abnormal lumps regularly. A social norm talked about freely in the media, women now routinely checking their breasts for lumps, mostly due to awareness programs.

Unfortunately, it has not become a social norm for men. This infographic is all about bringing awareness to men of the cancer risks in the hopes it will be talked about freely in the media. So, perform a penis check daily and remember; early detection is necessary for survival. Get medical attention immediately if you suspect a tumor.

I am a freelance writer and enjoy reporting on a variety of topics.