Get Your Bodies Ready for Conception

Get Your Bodies Ready for Conception
Kyle Bearden/Unsplash
Lorraine Ferrier
Getting pregnant can happen overnight, but often doesn’t.
If you’ve been trying to conceive for a while you are probably frustrated and tired. If you have just started “pregnancy planning” you may be overwhelmed.

When you’re having sex frequently in order to get pregnant, you might be wasting your time. With this approach, you’re also adding in unnecessary stress, libido issues, and relationship heartache too. But it’s understandable—especially if you’ve been trying to conceive for a while.

Yes, you may think you need to get pregnant quickly because you have been told you are “older” parents-to-be, your existing children are getting older, and you have been trying for a while, or you’ve been labeled as a “fertility challenge.” But let’s shift from “quick baby” to “prepared-for-baby.” Here’s why you need to take time to get pregnant quickly, that is, slow down for a quicker conception. Most couples don’t look at their fertility until they’re trying to conceive, we’re not conditioned to do so. We’re educated to look at preventing pregnancy from our sex education at school.
But imagine this: It is important.
Take a field which has lain untended for many years. A farmer would not simply throw seeds on that land and expect them to grow to their full potential. It needs the right soil, the right pH; it may need help with supplements, and it may also need time.
And it’s not only the soil that needs preparing. The seeds need to be of good quantity and quality—perhaps they need to be soaked; need help to grow and certainly need to be planted at the right time.
Your body and your partner’s body are the same. If you have not looked at your body in terms of your fertility, you’re dealing with an untended ground.
You need to concentrate on building up your natural fertility fitness.

Your fertility is affected by not only the obvious things such as being on the contraceptive pill, being overweight, alcohol, caffeine and cigarette intake, but it is also affected by being underweight, being diagnosed with STD, taking medications such as cough medicines, using lubricants (even natural ones), and even stress and emotional levels—to name but a few. The key is to be aware of these factors to improve your chances of conceiving.

Look at your and your partner’s health and lifestyle, inside out—without judgment. Start a 12-week preconception plan with a health professional to ensure both your internal and external environment is fertility fit. That way if you are one of the one-in-eight who struggles to conceive or sustain a pregnancy in the United States, you can get the right help—quickly. 
Why 12 weeks? Many reasons, in particular:
  • Any herbal support takes three months to integrate into your body.
  • Sperm takes 90 days, some sources say 120 days, to mature.
  • If you are fertility charting, it’s important to watch your average menstrual cycle over at least three months to see in real-time how your fertile signs align.
Yes, that 12-week approach takes time but saves time in pinpointing any challenges and getting you the right help when needed. Your journey to parenthood needs to be as joyful as holding your newborn, and— with the right approach—it can be.
Lorraine Ferrier is an ayurvedic practitioner, natural fertility expert, and creator of the Fertility Joy Program.
Lorraine Ferrier
Lorraine Ferrier
Lorraine Ferrier writes about fine arts and craftsmanship for The Epoch Times. She focuses on artists and artisans, primarily in North America and Europe, who imbue their works with beauty and traditional values. She's especially interested in giving a voice to the rare and lesser-known arts and crafts, in the hope that we can preserve our traditional art heritage. She lives and writes in a London suburb, in England.
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