Free (and Almost Free) Online Tools for Entrepreneurs

Free (and Almost Free) Online Tools for Entrepreneurs
Robert Morrison

Most entrepreneurs don’t start out with huge budgets, and they must try and save on their costs in any way possible. One way to cut back on costs is to take advantage of the many online tools that are free or nearly free to use. Here are some of the best online tools to help entrepreneurs save money:

  • Cloudswave – You can save a lot of money on software that you need for your business. Get the best deals on a vast array of business software from animation software to accounting software, and much more.

  • Newswhip – If you want to merge your brand with the social networks that surround your business niche, this is the website you need to use. You don’t have to search for hashtags, because Newswhip takes care of that for you. It will wade through the discussions to find the ones that are going to be most useful for you, and let you know the best people to have conversations with. You can even search for yourself to see where you stand in the business world.

  • Fiverr – This is not a free site, but it may as well be. Anything you buy or sell will be just $5, including creating web pages, writing blog headlines, and more.

  • Lucidchart – Here you can create mind maps, flow charts, and other things for your business that lean heavily on graphics. This is much like Google Docs, but for projects that involve graphics.

  • LucidPress – Use this website to create the best layouts. You can use it for newsletters, magazine layouts, and much more. Enjoy drag and drop capability, easy photo layout, video creation, and more.

  • Cool Text – Rather than spend a lot of money hiring a graphic designer, use this website to find free graphics for your web pages, logos, and more. You don’t have to do the design work yourself, because it has already been done for you. Just choose the images you like, complete a form, and you will have your own custom image created for you.

  • CreativeLive – Find online classes in five categories: art and design; music and audio; photo and video; craft and maker; and money and life. These videos are free to watch, and you can check the calendar to see what content is coming next.

  • Needtagger – You can use this website to find your target audience on Twitter. Your product or service will be the basis of your search, and you will find people who are looking for what you have to offer. You can set filters, so you can not only find your target audience, but also interact with others in your industry.

  • 1M/1M – This is a great source for new entrepreneurs to learn from the best. Here you will find a network of minds from Silicon Valley who can help you learn about branding, financing, and everything else to do with entrepreneurship.

  • Skimlinks – This is a site you can use to measure and use affiliate links that are on your website, RSS, Twitter, and Facebook feeds. It will take your links and keywords, and turn them into equal affiliate links. This way, you don’t have to worry about this, and can take care of other important business tasks.

  • Bright Journey – Take advantage of the knowledge of successful entrepreneurs all around the world. Questions are posted by users, and then the answers are voted on to give you the absolute best answers.

  • Hubspot’s Marketing Grader – You can see how your website ranks, measure SEO, lead generation, your blogs, and more.

  • Google for Entrepreneurs – This Google tool offers plenty of free information, including instructional videos that will teach you about branding and more.

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