Do You Want a Doctor or a Healer?

Do You Want a Doctor or a Healer?
The difference between a doctor and a healer, Dr. McCaffrey talks about what kind of doctor do you want to have. (YouTube)
Sean McCaffrey

There seems to be a divide among those two professions. Our modern doctors have become MANAGERS of symptoms through the chemistry of pharmacology. Who wants to be on a cocktail of dozens of chemically formulated pharmaceuticals for the rest of their lives? Each with their own lengthy list of side-effects, typically requiring even more medications.

A HEALER understands the complex process the bodily systems use to maintain normal function. A healer understands how to support systems needed and produce an environment where the body can heal, without medications. Reliance on pharmacology is not part of the protocol. In today’s medical environment, that seems unheard of to us. However, it is possible and I have 22 years of experience in making it happen. All it takes is a different mindset and understanding of how the human body operates.

Dr. Sean McCaffrey is a physician, speaker, teacher, author, mentor, and radio host. He is the Founder of McCaffrey Health Center and McCaffrey Laboratory. Known as The Robinhood of Healthcare, Dr. Sean has created his own health care system. This holistic approach to long-term, restorative health care comes as a result of having studied the best modern modalities, as well as seeking out the most highly-guarded treatment secrets learned from old masters and perfected over the centuries. The McCaffrey Method is a complete health care model that blends various natural health care systems to effectively combat chronic and degenerative diseases.
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