Delhi Commonwealth Games Chief Arrested

The former chief organizer of Delhi’s 2010 Commonwealth Games held last October was arrested Monday on charges of corruption, according to media reports.
Delhi Commonwealth Games Chief Arrested
The former chief organizer of Delhi’s 2010 Commonwealth Games held last October was arrested Monday on charges of corruption, according to media reports.

Suresh Kalmadi is alleged to have given contract preference to the Swiss company that provided the timing and scoring systems for the Games.

The Games, which were designed to showcase India’s progress on the global stage, were beset by a string of crises as construction timelines were not met, athletes’ quarters were found unsanitary, the budget was blown, and faulty construction caused a bridge outside the Games’ stadium to collapse, among other things.

Kalmadi was removed from his position as Games organizer in November in the wake of the scandals. After his arrest Monday, he was suspended from his position as a lawmaker in the ruling Congress Party, Reuters reported.