CA SB277 Bill Mandates Harm From CDC Cover-Up

CA SB277 Bill Mandates Harm From CDC Cover-Up
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters is seen in Atlanta, Ga., in a file photograph. (Tami Chappell/Reuters)
Epoch Times Contributor
What if the state could fraudulently deny susceptibility of many patients to adverse vaccine side-effects and then force those same patients to subject themselves to unnecessary harm by getting vaccinated? That is exactly what California Senate Bill SB277 does by eliminating “non-medical” exemptions - exemptions for safety concerns dishonestly denied by the state.
Yet the bill has already passed the Senate Health Committee vote and has been endorsed by The LA Times and Sacramento Bee. Reporters from both newspapers have seen the documentary “Trace Amounts,” so both newspapers know that talking points like the “overwhelming scientific consensus” supporting the safety of vaccines are fraudulent. As the film made clear, it’s not just the presence of mercury in vaccines that is the problem - the complete removal of which in Denmark preceded a fall in autism prevalence. The dishonesty of the vaccine program in denying harm from that substance and other vaccines utterly destroys the credibility of federal immunization policy and should destroy any statewide attempt to make it mandatory. Chillingly enough, LA and Sacramento “journalists” support the bill anyway. That means they are not journalists, but propagandists for the cover-up who should be investigated as such.

Meanwhile, the politicians who vote in favor of the bill despite not having seen “Trace Amounts” should be voted out for failing their constituents. The bill’s architect Richard Pan should further lose his medical license for coercing people into subjecting their children to harmful immunization policies defended on lies.