Brilliant Brain Facts (Video)

Epoch Video

The human brain has an estimated 86 billion neurons that transmit information via electrical and chemical signals. To communicate this information, the brain requires at least 100 trillion connections called synapses.

Over the past 30,000 years, human brains have shrunk by about 10 percent, losing a tennis ball sized chunk. It could be due to evolution re-efficiency or we could be getting dumber as society becomes more complex.

Up to 50 percent of humans are infected with Toxoplasma Gondii—a parasite often spread by cats. Once in the brain, it has been shown to encourage risk-taking and results in a higher chance of car accidents and depression.

When blood alcohol levels reach 0.15 percent, blackhouse can occur. People can still function but the brain stops recording memories; making it impossible to recall certain moments or even entire events.

We all live approximately 80 milliseconds in the past. This is the time it takes for the brain to process and assemble information.

The brain can’t feel pain because it has no pain receptors. Headaches are produced by pressure on blood vessels or nerves surrounding the brain.

Hope that’s giving you food for thought!

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