Breast Milk Donation Becoming Increasingly Common

Breast Milk Donation Becoming Increasingly Common

Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have a plethora of resources concerning the safety of extracting, storing, and utilizing donated breastmilk. 

MMB lists over 50 donation sites across 12 states on their website, which also boasts that MMB “consistently provides more milk to NICUs  than any other nonprofit milk bank in North America.”

The above video illustrates the typical process of becoming a MMB  donor. 

The Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA), which was established in 1985, lists voluntary safety guidelines that many banks across North America adhere to.

HMBANA is a professional association that supports non-profit donor human milk banks. It’s mission is to “ensure quality control of donor human milk banking among member banks through [the] adherence to mandatory guidelines and periodic inspection of member banks.” 

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