Oculus Rift Games Update: EVE Valkyrie Will be Oculus Rift Exclusive

Oculus Rift Games Update: EVE Valkyrie Will be Oculus Rift Exclusive
(YouTube/CCP Games)
Zachary Stieber

Oculus Rift will include games exclusive to the virtual reality machine, and one of those will be EVE Valkyrie.

The Oculus Rift release date hasn’t been officially announced yet, but it’s been rumored to possibly be coming out in summer 2014.

The price, including the price of games, hasn’t been officially released as well.

CEO Brendan Iribe, though, did say that he would not be surprised if games cost more than $60.

EVE Valkyrie is slated to come out sometime this year, perhaps confirming a 2014 release date for the Rift.

The game was originally known as EVR, and is a fast-paced multiplayer shooter that started as a pet project of several EVE Online developers, reported the Verge.

The game was such a hit at game conventions that game studio CCP decided to turn it into a full game.

It’s described as a great showcase of the Rift itself, and what it can do when a game is built specifically for the device.

CCP Games describes it as “set in the EVE universe that uses virtual reality to give players the sense of being a real pilot in an EVE Online fighter.”