Can America Stop Huawei’s Global Takeover? | Opinion

Gina Shakespeare

The deadly virus originating out of the central Chinese city of Wuhan is making headlines, and well it should. There is the potential for this new coronavirus to spread rapidly from China to the rest of Asia and the West. The virus attacks victims’ immune systems, compromising their health and threatening their very existence. At this writing, there are over 400 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, with at least one in the state of Washington in the United States, and seventeen deaths.

Gina Shakespeare is a film and television producer from New Zealand. Over the past 15 years, she has produced and directed hundreds of hours of content, including TV commercials, programs, and corporate video for a wide variety of clientele; and has authored 3 short films. She is currently the producer and host of "Declassified," an investigative news program by The Epoch Times.
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