Antibiotics Will Be Out of Organic Apple and Pear Orchards in 2014

Antibiotics Will Be Out of Organic Apple and Pear Orchards in 2014

When we reported on the use of antibiotics to control disease in organic pear and apple orchards, the information that shocked readers the most wasn’t the news itself. Even though the USDA’s National Organic Program has approved tetracycline since 2000, consumers were largely unaware of the practice.

With the debate over the use being reported here and elsewhere, there’s an increased literacy among informed buyers, but that knowledge will have a short shelf life. That’s because of the new news: The National Organic Standards Board met in Portland, and the group decided not to extended the exemption that growers and scientists had lobbied for. Certified organic growers won’t be allowed to use the antibiotics to control fire blight after October 21, 2014.

 26-27 of May 2014 the first annual EAT Stockholm Food Forum is being held and welcomes participants from all over the world to help set goals and guidelines for the future.  See the video below:

EAT – Stockholm Food Forum is an arena where science, politics and business will be able to share insight and ideas, which in turn can help us reach our common goal of sustainably feeding a healthy world population. EAT will spearhead a holistic approach to today’s food related challenges. 

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The originally article was published on on April 12, 2013. Read the original here.

*Image of “pears“ via Shutterstock



Willy Blackmore
Willy Blackmore
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